EFT Processing Release Notes
Important! The documentation refers to the latest product update for the latest version of Sage 300, currently version 2025. Unless otherwise specified, the content applies to all supported versions, currently versions 2025, 2024 and 2023.
What's New in the latest update?
EFT Processing PU14.08 (Dec 2024) -
Applies to versions 2025, 2024, 2023 and 2022.
Ability to include *.EFT files in the Sage 300 customization directory in addition to the userformats.ini file. This is useful if you need to have file formats requiring ANSI format and others requiring UTF8 formats.
Fixes an issue with AR Refunds and Entries I select.

Compatibility release (November 2024). Product Update is compatible with Sage 300 version 2025.

Applies to v2024, v2023 AND v2022
EFT Audit Report now includes details of selection criteria. Receipt Batch Audit Report - Features
Email process - message-id header added to email.
Fixes an occasional issue with SFTP with passphrase.
EFT Payroll - ELPR01.rpt report updated for Canadian Payroll. If you have customized the report previously, you may need to redo the changes based on the new ELPR01.rpt report.

Applies to v2024, v2023 AND v2022
Added support for hexdigest for hash total calculation in EFT File formats.
Fixes a crash that could occur when userformats.ini had changed.

Fixes an issue in the Print Advice process when emailing and printing delivery methods were used in the same batch. The emails were correct, but some advices were printed as well as emailed (generally if the EFT Vendor delivery method was set to EFT Email and the AP Vendor delivery method was set to Mail. The default ELPAYxx.rpt files now use the PRINTRUN parameter. If you have customized the EFT Remittance advice, it is recommended to redo the customizations based on the latest Crystal Report.

New EFT AP remittance advice format ELPAY05 includes payment Effective date. Refer to EFT Print Advice section for To review details on the sample remittance advice reports included in EFT Processing, expand

Compatibility release (October 2023). Product Update is compatible with Sage 300 version 2024.

Receipt Batch Audit Log (EL2020) now available on the web screens - Refer to EFT Receipt Batch Audit Log
This requires the latest update of Extender (PU12.05).
Drill down to A/P Vendor from EFT Vendor screen and to A/R Customer from EFT Customer screens. EFT Vendors Overview
New EFT Payroll remittance format. Refer to EFT Payroll Print Remittances Advices
Fixes an issue in the Print Advice process when emailing payments applied to a large number of invoices
Fixes an issue in the Print Paystubs process where the report was overwritten if you generate multiple checks for the same employee for the same pay period end date.
Added support for SFTP servers that do not support ssh-rsa but do support rsa-sha2-256.

Update the process running the Payroll T4 report and the Releve 1s report to make it compatible with US and Canadian payroll updates UT73N and CT73M.

Compatibility release (October 2022). PU12.00 is compatible with Sage 300 version 2023.

Support for Emailing using Microsoft Graph. This option lets you email using Office 365 with Modern Authentication. Refer to Office 365 and Microsoft Graph
Improvements to the Print Payroll pay stubs process. EFT Print Payroll Stubs/Slips

New option to configure EFT Banks to upload to SFTP with 2 factor authentication, using both Key file and Username and password. Refer to Setup SFTP Output Destination

EFT Processing now includes a superview around the Create EFT File process.
The EFT Superview (ELSUPER) enables customization using Extender before and after the file is created, before and after the file is downloaded or uploaded to SFTP. For an overview, refer to Using EFT Superview.

EFT Payroll: New screen to email T4As. Refer to EFT Print T4As
New Option on Default Advice Tab to select Payroll T4As report.

New security group: Recreate EFT File. Refer to Adding Security and Create EFT File .
New option in EFT Banks to configure Clearing Transfer number. Refer to EFT Banks Setup Screen
New button on EFT Banks to test SFTP details. Refer to Setup SFTP Output Destination

PU0.00 Compatibility Release (October 2021)

- Applies to version 2021 and above only. Web Screens released for most EFT AP/AR setup and transaction screens. For details, refer to Install EFT Web Screens

Added additional EXTRA fields to EFT Bank Setup.
Added File Destination to the ELLog & ELPayrollLog
Added EFT.vi Extender module. See EFT Drilldown Extender Module

- Formats.ini file is now locked for improved security. To amend or create a new format, use Userformats.ini file. Refer to Bank Formats - Overview
- Warning message if you run EFT Processing on a machine where the product update installed is an earlier version than an update installed on another server or workstation.

- PU0.00 Compatibility Release (September 2020)

- New variable $DOCAMTLIST for email templates to include the list of documents without the document description. Refer to Email Messages - Variables to include

- New features in "Create EFT Receipt Batches" to create Zero-value Receipt to apply documents and Refund batches. Refer to EFT Setup - Receipt/Refund Selection Codes

- New Field on the Bank screen to support SFTP with key file. Refer to EFT Banks Setup Screen

- PU0.00 Compatibility Release (August 2019)

- New Security Group in EFT Payroll - Print/Email Payroll Stubs/Slips
- Print Paystubs/Payslips program in EFT Payroll now validates that the user running the Print Payslip is the same as the user running "Print checks" function in CP/UP Payroll. This assists with supporting Payroll Selection Lists.

- Ability to add HTML tags to email templates. Email Messages - Variables to include
- Improved formatting of {DOCLIST} to display list of paid invoices
- Updated name of PDF attached to EFT Advice emails for French language users

- PU0.00 Compatibility Release (July 2018)

- Ability to apply a formula-driven password when emailing Remittance advices to EFT Vendors, EFT Customers and EFT Employees when using EFT SMTP to email.
- Ability to email paystub/payslips to employees and store a copy on a network drive,
- Ability to email T4 and Relevé 1 to an Employee:

What is new in EFT Processing 2018 PU1.00 - Also applies to EFT Processing 2017 PU4.00 and v2016 PU6.00
- New option to integrate EFT Processing to Sage 300 Payroll module (US and Canada). Requires a separate licence.
- PU0.00 Compatibility Release (September 2017)

Product Update 3.00
Also applies to V2016 PU5.00 and V2014 PU9.00
Import functionality improved to cater for encryption related fields.
Product Update 2.00
Also applies to V2016 PU4.00 and V2014 PU8.00
- Added options to control the number of emails sent by session or by minute to support requirements of some email servers like Office 365.
Product Update 1.00
Also applies to V2016 PU3.00 and V2014 PU7.00
- Added options to encrypt Account Numbers in EFT Options A/R, A/P and Primary Bank. When the Encrypt option is selected, you only view the last 4 digits of the account number after you have entered Bank and Account number details. When creating an EFT File to upload to the bank, the values are unencrypted automatically. When you initially select the option, all existing details are encrypted.
v2017 Product Update PU0.03
Also applies to V2016 PU2.08 and V2014 PU 6.08
- Amended the sample EFT AR Direct Debit Advices (ELREC01.RPT) to use the EFT Log Creation Number. If the EFT File has not yet been created, the preview or print of the EFT Direct Debit Advice will be blank. This makes the Print, Print Preview and Email functionality the same, and the same functionality as what is provided by the sample EFT AP Payment Advices.
- Amended the sample EFT AR Refund Advice (ELREF01.RPT) to use the EFT Log Creation Number. If the EFT File has not yet been created, the preview or print of the EFT Refund Advice will be blank. This makes the Print, Print Preview and Email functionality the same, and the same functionality as what is provided by the sample EFT AP Payment Advices.
- Created new sample EFT Advices which include the Customer/Vendor bank account details from the EFT Log Audit file. IE the bank account details that were on the EFT Customer/Vendor record at the time the EFT File was created. Other sample EFT Advices use the Customer/Vendor bank account details from the EFT Customer/Vendor record at the time of printing the EFT Advices
- EFT AP Vendor Remittance Advice: ELPAY04.RPT
- EFT AR Customer Direct Debit Advice: ELREC02.RPT
- EFT AR Customer Refund Advice: ELREF02.RPT
Product Update 0.01 - Also applies to EFT Processing v2016 PU2.06 and v2014 PU6.06
After printing/emailing EFT Remittance/Direct Deposit advices, a list of which remittance advices which were not sent/printed is displayed.

it is excluded from the selected entries
A/P Payment is reversed
they've already been emailed.
vendor xxx does not exist in A/P.
it hasn't been included by any Create EFT File run.
customer xxx does not exist in A/R.
Product Update 0.00
Compatibility with Sage 300 2017 (August 2016)

- Amended the sample EFT AR Direct Debit Advices (ELREC01.RPT) to use the EFT Log Creation Number. If the EFT File has not yet been created, the preview or print of the EFT Direct Debit Advice will be blank. This makes the Print, Print Preview and Email functionality the same, and the same functionality as what is provided by the sample EFT AP Payment Advices.
- Amended the sample EFT AR Refund Advice (ELREF01.RPT) to use the EFT Log Creation Number. If the EFT File has not yet been created, the preview or print of the EFT Refund Advice will be blank. This makes the Print, Print Preview and Email functionality the same, and the same functionality as what is provided by the sample EFT AP Payment Advices.
- Created new sample EFT Advices which include the Customer/Vendor bank account details from the EFT Log Audit file. IE the bank account details that were on the EFT Customer/Vendor record at the time the EFT File was created. Other sample EFT Advices use the Customer/Vendor bank account details from the EFT Customer/Vendor record at the time of printing the EFT Advices
- EFT AP Vendor Remittance Advice: ELPAY04.RPT
- EFT AR Customer Direct Debit Advice: ELREC02.RPT
- EFT AR Customer Refund Advice: ELREF02.RPT

- By selecting the AP or AR “Skip the Vendor/Customer and continue the export”
- The e-mailed remittance advice will not be sent to the Vendor/Customer (even if the Crystal report is amended to produce a non-blank EFT Remittance advice for Vendors/Customers which are not defined in EFT Vendors/Customers even if there was no EFT file entry for the particular Payment and Vendor/Customer in the EFT Audit log).

A new option in “Create Receipt Batch” and “Receipt Batch Selection Criteria” has been added to allow “One receipt per invoice”.
Added 3 new fields on the EFT Options\e-mail tab to have distinct “AR E-mail comes from, AR CC and AR BCC to be used for AR Direct Deposit Advices.
Multiple e-mail addresses can be separated by commas (,) as well as semi-colons (;).
You can now use the year/month/day/batch number parameters in the file directory where the EFT File is created
A new tab on the EFT Processing Options showing the installed product update and product updates released since the installed product update to allow for easier viewing/checking of the installed against current product update
Can now set the EFT Vendor/Customer delivery method on the EFT Vendor/Customer or use the AP Vendor/AR Customer delivery method.

Option to “Ignore/Warn/Error” for Duplicate Customer and Vendor bank branch and account numbers
EFT Processing now allows you to “Ignore/Warn/Error” for duplicate Vendor/Customer Bank Branch and Bank account numbers.
Prior to EFT Processing PU3, EFT Processing always gave a warning message for duplicate Vendor/Customer Bank Branch and Bank Account numbers.
Using customisation directories for the remittance advice
Prior to PU3, customised remittance advices had to be in an ELxxA\ENG folder in the customisation directory. Now the customised remittance advice can be in any folder in the customisation directory.
Added the File Sequence numbers to the audit
The AP File Sequence Number, AR File Sequence Number and the 10 Global File Sequence Numbers have been added to the Complete EFT Log and associated Transfer Details Report and Transfer Summary Report.

Ability to process EFT Payments against a clearing bank account for the detailed withdrawals, and to process the total withdrawal against the bank account. Makes bank reconciliations easier
Ability to define Remittance advice e-mail recipients on the EFT Vendor and EFT Customer where the required e-mail address is different to the AP Vendor or AR Customer
New option EFT Periodic Processing which can be used to delete inactive EFT Vendor and EFT Customer records en mass, and/or delete EFT Vendor and EFT Customer records where the associated AP Vendor or AR Customer has been deleted
When the AP Vendor or AR Customer is deleted, associated EFT Vendor and EFT Customer records will be deleted
E-mailing remittance advices now supports sending e-mails via SSL
Ability to create a single receipt per AR National account, without defining all the child AR accounts in EFT Customers
During Create EFT Files – if the option is selected as “Display an error and abort the export”, EFT will return an error for all vendors/customer(if any).
In previous versions, it will display error on a vendor/customer and abort the export.

Inclusion of parameters for the EFT Audit Log report

Inclusion of exclusion lists of customers & documents in the EFT Receipt Selection Codes
Inclusion of exclusion lists of customers & documents in the EFT Create Receipt Batch
Update Invoice Due date by customer and national account
Audit inquiry and report on Customers/Documents excluded from the EFT Create Receipt Batch run
Audit inquiry and report on Invoice Due Date amendments by Customer & Document number

New EFT Log Date parameter on the EFT Audit report
Sage Accpac ERP V6.0 Inquiry support
Additional configuration fields around the EFT Customer and EFT Vendor for extended bank formats
View/Clear completed EFT Logs now has column filters which can be activated by clicking the CTRL key in the column which you require the filter to be applied as well as the filters on fields at the top of the screen.
View/Clear EFT Audit Log now has column filters which can be activated by clicking the CTRL key in the column which you require the filter to be applied as well as the filters on fields at the top of the screen.
Option to create Customized Directories for EFT Reports and userformats.ini (V6.0 SP0.5)
Tip: Details of new features and fixes are available in the application for all modules. Go to the Setup >Options > Updates Tab in EFT Processing.