Create EFT File
You need to create a batch in A/P or A/R before you can create the EFT File.

Your logon profile to the network gives you access rights to the directory where the files have to be created (as set in EFT Banks setup).
Confirm which Payment , Receipt or Refund batch number you want to use.
Enter Details
: Select whether you want to process a Payment , Refund or a Receipt batch.
: & Select a batch number or range of batch numbers to be exported (using the Finder).
Tip: Use the drill down icon to open the batch screen and check it if required.
: defaults to the file type of the bank entered in the Payment/Refund/Receipt batch selected.
Note: You can only select a range if "" is set to Yes on the EFT Options > A/P Tab. If using a range, the file type will be the bank layout of the first batch selected.
: Type a lodgement reference.
Note: Description is saved in the EFT Processing audit logs in the latest product updates for Sage 300 versions 2021 and above.
Use description, Use reference from vendor master record, Use Cheque number or Use invoice number.
Note: Description and Reference appear on the vendor bank statement if a variable reference is included in the bank's file.
Note: Reference is saved in the EFT Processing audit logs.
: Select Skip the vendor... if you want the file export to continue without errors and skip the transaction or
Display an error and abort to generate an error and abort the export if the vendor/customer is not defined in EFT processing.
Note: You can only select "Skip the vendor and continue the export" if the option is selected on the EFT Options > A/P Tab.
: If using Selective payments to select or remove a payment from a posted batch:
Select All entries in the batch to include all entries in the selected batches, or
Entries that I select to include only selected entries.
If selected entries is chosen, click the Selected Entries button and ensure you select (x) all the entries you wish to include in the EFT file. Only those marked entries (x in the Include in EFT File) column will be transmitted to the bank.
Tip: You can use the Select All and Deselect All buttons to assist in transaction selection.
Tip: When using the web screens, you can use the Space bar or Double Click to toggle the selected / deselected entries.
You can only select entries for A/P Batches if "Allow Selective Payments from an A/P Batch ?" is set to Yes on the EFT Options > A/P Tab.
You can only select entries for A/R Batches if "Allow Selective Payments from an A/R Batch ?" is set to Yes on the EFT Options > A/R Tab.
: This field is only available in certain user file formats.
Note: It is usually used in userformats.ini when they want to control when the payment date should be. In the latest product updates for Sage 300 versions 2021 and above (since October 2023), the effective date is stored in the EFT audit logs.
Create the file
Choose Create to create the file
You can then submit the file via your desktop banking software.
If your bank supports SFTP, EFT Processing can upload the file directly using the bank's SFTP details configured in EFT Banks Setup Screen
The screen displays the EFT file path from the EFT banks setup for the bank associated with the batch. If you don't have access to the file (drive not mapped on a server, user security does not have rights to the directory), EFT processing cannot create the file.
Save settings in Create EFT File
To save the settings used regularly, use the standard Sage 300 functionality in the Settings Menu > Save Settings As Default.
saves the following fields: Description, Reference and Skip/Display error for each batch type.
In the ACH file format, the Company Entry Description is based on Description field in Create EFT File screen. If it is the same for all files, you can enter the description in Create EFT File the first time you use it. Click on Settings – Save Settings as Defaults. The screen will default to the same description next time you create an EFT File.
Recreating a file
If the file has already been exported, you are prompted to re-create the file.
For details, refer to Recreating an EFT file