EFT Receipt Batch Audit Log

You can use this screen to view batches created using the Create Receipt/Refund batch function and to clear old audit logs.

Enter dates to filter the log.

What does the screen show?

The log includes batches created using the Create Receipt / Refund Batch function.

Refer to Create Receipt/Refund Batch for details.

View the exclusions

Double clicking on any Receipt Batch Audit Entry (or clicking F9) will open the details screen of all customers and document exclusions that were set at the time of running the Create Receipt Batch. If there are no exclusions, the detail screen doesn't show anything.

Note: If you are using the web screens, the details show in the grid below.

View the batch detail

To view the content of the batch, double click on the Batch Number column. This will open the A/R Receipt or Refund Batch.

Note: If you are using the web screens, select the Drill Down button.

Clear Logs

Enter the last creation number (not the batch number) you want to keep and use the Clear button.

Log entries for all creation numbers smaller than the entered number are deleted.

Note: The date range is only used to filter the records you view. It isn't included in the Clear function.