Change what you view in Info-Explorer
Using Info-Explorer, you can change what you view in Info-Explorer:
Create/Copy new views of your data. Click on the different views to see data organized in a different way. In the example below, AP Outstanding Transactions, Outstanding by Vendor Group, Outstanding with Aging, AP Outstanding by Vendor are views on the AP query, and AR Outstanding Transactions is the view on the AR Query.
Create new charts of your data. Click on the chart to see the data represented graphically. In the example below Outstanding Aging Chart and Outstanding by Vendor group are two charts on the AP Query.
Create new dashboards to view multiple views and charts on the same screen. In the example below there is one Dashboard shown at the top of the list of queries/views/charts
Reorder and Reorganise your views, charts and dashboards
Drag and drop the rows and columns to see data organized in a different way. In the example below you could swap the customer and customer group dimensions, to see a list of customers by DateDueYear.
Sort dimension values to see columns and rows sorted ascending or descending.
Drill through to a dimension value (in Sage 300 ) to see the required dimension value in the source data entry screen in Sage 300
Drill down to underlying transactions. Right Hand Mouse > Drill Down on a total value and the underlying transactions that make up the total will be displayed. Data can be “copied” and “pasted” to another application from this grid.
Filter a dimension or fact to see a selected subset of your data. By “filtering” a required dimension you can select/deselect the required dimension values.
Filter the underlying dimension data to see a filtered subset of your data. For example in the AR Query, you could filter out all credit notes.
Filter the rows and columns based on calculated facts to see a filtered subset of your data. In the AR Query, you could show only those customers where their total amount due was greater than $1,000
Create new facts to analyze based on calculated data. In the AR Query, you could rank your customers by amount due. You can also delete a fact and amend a fact as is required.
Format the entire cube (change the appearance of the facts in the cube, colour and font) or format an individual fact
Refresh the cube Refresh all cubes and set a cube to Auto-Refresh
Create parameters for your queries to restrict the data retrieved into the cube. In the AR Query below you could restrict the customers by Sales Rep.
Open a second (and third, and fourth etc) cube to display multiple cubes on multiple tabs. Highlighted in purple below
Create a new query within an existing cube, and save views on the new query. Highlighted in yellow below