Filter a dimension or fact
Filter using a tick box :
To filter a dimension,
hover over the required dimension to activate that dimension and then
click on the small filter icon on the dimension title
and then selectively turn on or off the items required.
If a dimension is already filtered, then the filter icon will always be visible. If a dimension is not already filtered, then the filter icon will only be visible when you click on the dimension title.
When you refresh the data, the filter can get reset if the selected value doesn't exist in the data and new data are selected by default. You can use Pre-filter if you want the filter to be constant. See below.
Filter using a prefilter on the underlying dimension values :
Alternatively, click on Edit Prefilter on the Home Tab > View Ribbon to filter using a prefilter
on the underlying dimension values, right hand mouse button on the dimension
and select Show Prefilter
Build the filter string as required :
You can apply multiple conditions
The current filter shows at the bottom of the screen
The text filter is case sensitive
In the example below, the filter is on both the Vendor dimension (Vendor Equals 1200) and AmountDue fact.
To remove a filter, click the red x on the appropriate row.
If you remove AmountDue row, the view will show all transactions for Vendor = 1200.
Filter using Calculated fact values
Alternatively, to filter using a filter applied to calculated values and totals, click on the Calculated values filter on the required dimension .
and build the filter string as required. In this case the Facts you can select from are based on the visible columns, and you can select “Any one” or “All” or “one specific” column.
Filter All vendors where for Every year, the Amount Due > 100 (not any one year or a specific year). As with the prefilter, the current filter shows at the bottom of the screen and works in conjunction with the prefilter (if any).
See also Filter Calculated Fact Values