Extender Release Notes
Important! The documentation refers to the latest product update for the latest version of Sage 300, currently version 2025. Unless otherwise specified, the content applies to all supported versions, currently versions 2025, 2024 and 2023.
What's New in the latest update?
Extender PU12.18 (Dec 2024)
Applies to versions 2025, 2024, 2023 and 2022.
You need to restart the Sage desktop after installing Extender updates. If not, icons may be hidden.
Ability to add a progress bar in Extender UI scripts. See Meter.html in the VIXXA>Doc folder. Progress bar in Extender scripts
Modules screen has a Files tab where you can press Insert to add any file to the module. Refer to Adding files to a module
Extender can now do Popup forms.
New Features and improvements In Prior updates

Compatibility release (November 2024). Product Update is compatible with Sage 300 version 2025.

Enable SuppressPostedMessage properties in OCX scripts.
Sundry improvements to Extender Runtime licence and to EFT web screens.

@pip didn't work in password protected scripts.
Update the workflow scripts for GetOptField and SetOptField workflow actions to check if a composed view is open for use before attempting to use it. Import the updated workflow.vi module from the Extender Modules screen.

Improvement to logging changes to Sage Security Groups - Included assec.py sample script.
The way the Security Groups screen works is that it first deletes all records (using FilterDelete which Extender doesn't handle for logging). It then adds all the records back. This results in a messy log - you don't see the deletes, but you then see ALL the resources being added in the log - not just the ones that the user actually added.
Adding to AS0001 in View Events, Scripts and Workflow to add entries to Extender Log whenever someone changes a Security Group.
VILOG now only calculates RTS at insert, not at update.
Sundry improvements for developers.
Extender OCX sripts can now populate the Fiscal Year/Period control (e.g. on GL1500 G/L Transaction History screen).
Allow self.getHostControl("fecYearPeriod").setValue("yyyypp") for period picker controls.
Added "shared" variable to allow easier sharing of variables between scripts. See accpac.py for sample code.
getTempPath now ensures the path is writable. If it can't find a writable temp folder then it will return None.
Added onBeforeFilterDelete / onAfterFilterDelete functions for subclassing views.
Fixed issue where View Info would crash if a view had a presentation list with no entries (e.g. BK0102).

Scripts can now access controls added by other scripts.
Closing the script from a timer callback now works.

Workflow user group screen now displays the user's email addresses. Workflow User Groups
Scripts displaying a large number of records in a grid control are much faster.

Added UIGrid.setOnFinder2, HostControl.setOnFinder2. setOnFinder2 includes the current value of the grid cell.
VI Modules - when clicking Import, if the clipboard contains a module then you are prompted if you want to import from the clipboard instead of a file.
Sundry improvements to using Grid Controls in scripts and to the Modules screen .

You can delete Python packages installed with @ pip in an Extender script from the Modules screen. Refer to Extender Modules
Ability to import a password protected script in another script. Importing other scripts

Compatibility release (October 2023). Product Update is compatible with Sage 300 version 2024.

Modules screen now displays the list of Python packages installed as a result of @pip lines in scripts. Refer to Python packages
=== 24 July 2023 PU12.05 ===
Sundry fixes to support latest EFT web screens
If you delete %shareddata%/Company/%orgid%/excache.ver then ALL workstations will recheck pip modules.
=== 18 May 2023 PU12.04 ===
* Support for Complex password in Extender scripts connecting to other companies.
* Support for Long Long fields. (e.g. BKREG.SERIAL)
* Set ReturnValue for subclassed screens. In Order Entry, if you pressed + next to Ship-To Location, it wouldn't return the location if AR1500 had a script on it. Now it does.
=== 10 Feb 2023 PU12.03 ===
* HostControl.setOnRightClick didn't work for AccpacGrid and AccpacViewLists.
=== 1 Dec 2022 PU12.02 ===
* Fixed an issue with running multiple workflows at the same time.
=== 21 Oct 2022 PU12.01 ===
* Fixed a rare issue with 'Invalid link' message appearing when a view was closed.
* Exporting a module exports all required folders added to the desktop. Previously it only exported folders with the same module name.

Compatibility release (October 2022). PU12.00 is compatible with Sage 300 version 2023.

Support for Emailing using Microsoft Graph. This option lets you email using Office 365 with Modern Authentication. Refer to Office 365 and Microsoft Graph

Default Python version for new installs is now Python 3.8.8. Refer to Python version
Function to set color/font/underline in screen scripts. Refer to Doc in VIxxA folder
New workflow user action , isUserMemberGroup to evaluate if a user is part of a workflow user group

Ability to configure the fields where Extender needs to store the original Value and new value in a script. View Events, Scripts & WF and Scripts Advanced Tips
Ability to let scripts run in a Python shared environment. Refer to Scripts Advanced Tips
New features in Modules screen.

Ability to attach files to a message template. For details, see Attachments.
New Configurator workflow actions (workflow module is now version 1.9): Send Email with Attachment and Generate AP Payment Batch listing as a PDF.

Improvements to the Extender Setup > Modules screen. Refer to Extender Modules.

Additional default script when creating a new script. For details, refer to When you create a new script, you get a different default script based on the script name.
Ability to control the Tab Order. Refer to the Extender Doc Folder.

PU10.00 Extender is now compatible with Sage 300 version 2022. (October 2021)
Ability to mask a field in the custom table editor. Refer to Custom Tables.

- Option to configure Extender to use Python 3.8.8. For details refer to Options

Extender is now compatible with Sage 300 version 2021. (October 2020)
Workflow users are now configured on Extender License screen. Refer to Understanding Workflow Users
To add Extender workflow icons to screens, you need to install Information Manager. You can install without activation codes if you are not using other Information Manager functionality.

Remote Action is a subscription-based service that provides the ability to progress Extender Workflow on the Cloud without the need to logon to Sage 300.
Requires a subscription separate from the Extender module.

Support for Remote Action Service
When you check out a script, it is now run from a different temp folder for each user - Ensure no script is checked out before installing
Ability to import a script from the database in another Python script.
New workflow action in Configurator Edition- IfWorflowUI - Returns True if the workflow is triggered from the Workflow Console or the Workflow Screen icons. Refer to Configurator Actions for details.

Auto-Refresh option on the Workflow Console. Using Workflow Console
Filter by color on the workflow console
Ability to use CTRL-F to filter records based on column value on Extender screens that include a grid.
Ability to use CTRL-F to filter records on the Extender Setup > Modules screen. Extender Modules
Ability to update modules automatically.
SendEmail and AssignColour now have a finder to select the message template and the workflow colour. Updating modulesOn the Extender Setup > Modules screen, you can "Check for Updates". If there is a file with a newer version in the "Installed from" folder, the module is highlighted. Select the module and select "Update" Check for updates, select the Workflow module and Update. The latest file is imported automatically from the VIXXA folder.
Add finders for parameters in workflow actions. Writing custom actions for Workflow
New Workflow actions in Configurator to read and update Optional Fields in a workflow template.

Extender is compatible with version 2020 (September 2019).

Ability to password protect Extender scripts. See details in Extender Scripts
- Workflow functionality added to Extender. Applies to Sage 300 versions 2017, 2018 and 2019. Workflow Templates
- When using Information Manager, you can configure icons on Sage 300 screens to view Extender Log and workflow.

- Improvements to the Custom TablesNew fields to the Custom Table screen: Finder Filter and Description Field
- Improvements to the Custom Tables Editor.
- Added 2 new Security Groups: View Custom Table records and Edit Custom Table Records. See details in Adding Security.
- New Comments fields (250 characters) on Event Types, Message Templates and Custom Table Header - Such fields can be used to support documentation and versioning of Extender setup.

Extender is compatible with version 2019.

Apply one (or more) Extender scripts to Sage 300 OCXs Extender scripts can:
- Add tabs, fields, buttons and finders to the Sage 300 desktop screens
- Hide/Remove tabs, fields, buttons and finders on a Sage 300 desktop screen
- Change finders and buttons on a Sage 300 desktop screen
Interact with the underlying datasources. (Previously scripts only operated at the View level, and therefore were not always reflected on the screen.).
Example: You can add row to an order and refresh the grid to view the row, or interact with optional fields.

You can now Notify user of Email sent for Send Email Events.

Extender is now compatible with version 2018.

You can print reports from scripts

Users can Check for Updates in Extender Options

View Extender has been renamed Extender, as far more than views can now be Extended!
New Custom Table Editor for Custom Tables
New option for Modules – to group Events, View Events and Scripts and Custom Tables for a single import/export option
New Option Scripts so you can view all scripts imported into the current company
Can generate your own screens using Extender Scripts
New tab Updates in Extender Options to view the current product update applied and check the latest product update available

- Ability to log when Sage 300 users log into a company
- Create user definable tables in Sage 300 which will
Dump and load with the associated Sage 300 Company database
Have associated View calls to create, update, read and delete records
- Save Extender PYTHON scripts in the associated Sage 300 Company database
Check in/Check out Extender PYTHON scripts to enable local editing and testing
Dump and load with the associated Sage 300 Company database
- Ability to pass parameters to Extender PYTHON scripts

Extender is compatible with all Sage 300 2014 and Sage 300 2016 programs and 3rd party products developed in the SDK.
Tip: Details of new features and fixes are available in the application for all modules. Go to the Setup >Options > Updates Tab in Extender.