Using Workflow Console
Requirement! You need to be a Workflow User to open this screen. Refer to Understanding Workflow Users
The Workflow Console displays workflow instances. A workflow instance is created when a workflow is started. It is updated when workflow steps are run.
It includes fields relating to the workflow template it is using, the current step, the requested value for workflow requiring a specific field approval, etc. It also has a list of key-values, for example customer, order number, etc.
The Console lets you progress the workflow to the next steps if you have the appropriate security rights.
Console and Security Groups
The Console screen lets you see all active workflows if you have the “View All Workflow Instances” security group , or just those assigned you or to a group which you are a part of.
Refer to Adding Security.
Note: Unassigned shows workflows assigned to a Sage user or user group that is not configured in Workflow Users in Extender Licence
Tip: If you use a Workflow button when you are not assigned to the workflow and don't have "Modify All workflow instances" security group, you will get a security error message and the workflow will not progress.
how to use console grid
You can filter by up to 5 colors on the console. To configure colors on the console, refer to Workflow Colours
You can also use CTRL F to filter on any fields.
Select the Template column on a row on the console, use CTRL-F and select Template = "AR Credit Limit workflow". This will display only Workflow records for the AR Credit Limit workflow.
You can use CTRL -F > Clear filter to remove all filters and view all records.
Template ID: Set when the instance is started
Tip: Double click on the Template name to open the workflow template screen if you have security rights to Edit Workflow setup. For details, Workflow Templates - Screen Guide
Started On: Date when instance started
Started At: Time when instance started
Started By: User who started the workflow (manually or through a View operation)
Assigned To: User or user group currently assigned to the workflow.
View ID: Populated automatically by the workflow if it is attached to a View in View Events and Scripts, or populated using SetValue in the workflow template.
Record Key: populated by Key field for the record subject to the workflow (can be a Customer number, an Order Number, a Batch Type and Batch number combination
Description*: Configured in the workflow template.
Requested Value: This is populated automatically when the workflow is attached to a specific field in View Events and Scripts.
You can use SetValue action, Value field = {TOVALUE}, value = {VIEWFIELD} such as ORDTOTAL when the workflow is attached to a View operation such as UPDATEor INSERT
Step: Shows the current step the workflow is on. If there are Progress-to steps defined for this step, you will see a custom button for each step defined as Progress-to.
Status*: Configured in the workflow template.
Select the Template column on a row on the console, use CTRL-F and select Template = "AR Credit Limit workflow". This will display only Workflow records for the AR Credit Limit workflow.
You can use CTRL -F > Clear filter to remove all filters and view all records.
how to use console buttons
You can progress a workflow to another step. So the buttons you can see on the console depend on what row /Workflow instance you are looking at and how the workflow is configured.
All workflows will have some default buttons:
When configured in the workflow template, each workflow instance allows drilling down to a Sage 300 screen– for example, you could drill down to the customer, or to the order.
A workflow instance has a list of values associated with it – for example, a customer number or an order number. Drill down works on this list of values. Refer to details in Drilldown in workflow
If the workflow has a value called IDCUST then drill down to the AR Customer screen will be enabled for the workflow.
Use the History button to view details of previous actions on the workflow record selected on the console.
Values are variables that can be defined in the Workflow templates and used in the Workflow actions. Such values are included in the workflow history Log file.
Typically, values are used to store the original value, the new value, the cut off limit.
Use this button to reassign a workflow to another user or user group.
If you have added a Reassign Step in the workflow template, the Reassign Step will include the configured actions instead of the default one.
Use this button to remove a workflow instance from the console.
If the workflow is configured to "Auto-delete when complete", this will delete the workflow instance from the console and the Workflow log will be updated.
If the workflow is NOT configured to "Auto-delete when complete", this will update the workflow instance to clear the next step to complete the workflow. No specific actions will be taken by that action. You can use DELETE again to remove the instance from the console.
When a workflow is complete (the instance has been through a "Complete" Action), the step name on the console is blank.
Many workflow templates are setup as "Auto-delete instance when complete". This option deletes completed workflow from the console.
If the instance is deleted when the workflow is complete, the workflow log keeps the audit trail of previous workflow instances. Go to Extender Inquiries > Workflow Summary Log or Workflow Detail Log to view workflow history that have been deleted from the console.
Refer to Workflow Summary Log or Workflow Detail Log
workflow template configuration and console layout
Refer to Workflow Templates - Screen Guide and Configurator Actions for details. It is recommended practice to include the actions below in all steps of the workflow templates to make the console and workflow history log clearer and suited to your business practice.
Use the SetDescription action in the workflow template to set the Workflow Status in the console and in the workflow log depending on what step of the workflow you are in.
Use the SetStatus action in the workflow template to set the Workflow Status in the console and in the workflow log depending on what step of the workflow you are in.
You can configure the workflow using the AssignColour action to assign a colour in the console depending on what step of the workflow you are in.