Configurator Actions


Action Name Description Parameters  
AssignUser Assign to a Workflow User Group

Select a user group.

To configure a new user group, refer to

Workflow User Groups.
AssignUser Assigns a user to the workflow instance

You can type a Sage 300 User ID, select a value defined in the workflow or select a value set in a parameter when attaching the workflow to a view.

Type {USER} to assign workflow the current user.

When you assign a workflow to a user who is not configured as a Workflow User, the AssignUser workflow action returns an error. The next action is configured in the False Action # field in the Workflow Template.

Make sure the Workflow Template notifies an Admin user and proceeds with the rest of the workflow actions.

Tip: You can add a Workflow Action to assign the workflow to ADMIN if the first AssignUser action returns False


Stores input collected in the workflow

Parameters are added to the Values of the workflow

Name: can be used in other actions (such as set field or sendEmail)


Label: description user will see when prompted


Parameter types can be:

> text(size=xx)

> integer

> number.0 - e.g. 10.1

> number.00 - e.g. 10.12

> number.000 - e.g. 10.123

> user - a user or user group

> date


Default Value: Optional -


Parameter values (as entered by the user ) are saved as workflow values and available on the console.

Parameters can be added to email templates. Use {PARAMNAME} in the email template.


Step will stop at that step and wait for user input.

True Action should be the action you want to perform when user has submitted the input.

No parameter.

Execution continues at the AskForParameters True Action step #.

If the user selects "Cancel" on the UI, the action returns False.

Tip: Configure the actions in the template if you want different process flow if a user enters input or clicks Cancel.

This action is not active when the workflow is progressed through a script, for example the Remote Action poller.

AssignColour Assigns a color to a workflow instance in the Workflow Console

Select a color using the Finder.

To configure colors, refer to Workflow Colours


Action to ensure that the action completes the workflow.

If Auto delete instance when complete is set to Yes on the workflow, the instance will be deleted when the Complete step is successful

No Parameter.

When the workflow is complete, no further processing happens.

The next step in the Console shows as Blank

CreatePOfromReq Create a PO from a requisition Requisition requires a vendor on the Header. All lines must use the same vendor. No parameters  
Evaluate Used to set conditional workflow

Field, Operator, Value

If evaluating a Boolean field, use 1 for True/Yes or 0 for False/No


If the Field is set to {PROGRAM}, the action will compare the RotoID of the screen running the workflow to the value defined in the Value parameter.

If you only want the workflow to do certain actions for certain users, you can use Evaluate {USER} to use the logged on user in the condition.

GenerateAPPaymBatchListing Runs and saves as a PDF the AP Payment Batch listing report

For use in a workflow template to approve AP Payment batches

See example in A/P Payment Batch Approval

GetOptField Used to read Optional Field Value to use in workflow

Parameter 1 = Optional Field View ID - Use View Info to select - Use PO0623 for PO Header Optional Fields or G/L0400 for GL Account Optional Field

Parameter 2 = Optional Field Name

Parameter 3 = Workflow Value


Go to another workflow step.

Select Step name  
IfWorkflowExists Returns True if there is a pending workflow.

Can be used in the workflow template to have different actions if the workflow is Active.

Can also be used in View Events and Scripts to make a field ReadOnly if using Extender Customizer or Developer Edition.

IfWorkflowUI Returns True if the workflow is progressed on the Console or the workflow screen icons.

Used in the workflow template to have different branches if the step is used on the console and in a script such as the Remote Action Poller.

Users are generally not prompted for parameters or displayed messages when the workflow is progressed in a script.

IsDelete Returns True if the workflow is part of a DELETE view operation.

This only applies to Master file and Transaction views.

When a batch is "Deleted", the status is set to "Deleted", the Delete view operation is not run.

Tip: Use the Batch status field on the Batch if you need to trigger a workflow when a batch is deleted.

IsInsert Returns True if the workflow is part of an INSERT View operation

Can be used when a workflow is attached to an UPSERT View operation or a View Field.

This only applies to Master file and Transaction views.

When a batch is "Inserted", the batch is created immediately without running an "INSERT" View operation.

Tip: Use the Number of Entries field on the Batch if you need to trigger a workflow when a batch is inserted (Number of entries = 0)


IsUpdate Returns True if the workflow is part of an UPDATE View operation (vs an INSERT)

Can be used when a workflow is attached to an UPSERT View operation or a View Field.

You may have different actions when a new ON HOLD order is inserted vs when an existing order is updated to "On hold"

IsUserMemberGroup Return True if the user configured in Parameter 1 is part of the Workflow User Group in parameter 2 To use it for the logged on user, you can use {USER} in Parameter 1  

Reasssign a user to another user/group

Displayed in the workflow console.

If there is no reassign step then the user is prompted for the user/group to reassign to, then the workflow user is set to that user. If you have a step called "reassign" in your workflow, the custom step is run.

Example: If you want to send an email when a workflow is reassigned, add your own Reassign Step.



The PostBkEntry posts the bank entry configured in the Workflow Instance ID. Use in a workflow template associated with the Bank Entry View.

Approver needs rights to post Bank Entry in Sage Security











The Post_Batch actions post the relevant batch. Batch number entered as Parameter 1.

The approver needs rights to Post the batch in Sage security.

SendEmail Sends an email to the user / user group or email address configured in Parameter 2.

Parameter 1 = Email template - You can use the finder to select the message template.

Parameter 2 = Email address or Sage 300 User or Workflow user group.

You can use {CURUSER} to send a notification to the user assigned to the workflow. Make sure the SendEmail Action is after the AssignUser Action.

  • In Parameter 2, enter a list of email addresses separated by a ;
  • You can add email addresses (, a Sage User ID or an Extender workflow user
  • If selecting a Sage 300 user (e.g. ADMIN), an email is sent to the email address configured in Sage 300 User profile.
  • If selecting a Workflow user group (e.g. APPROVERS), all users in the group are sent an email, to the email address configured in Sage
  • You can combine email addresses (e.g. and user groups


Optional: CC, Subject (to overwrite email template subject)

User profile
SendEmailAttachments Sends an email with an attachment

Extender Message template - Can include variables from the view the workflow is attached to

Email address configured in Parameter 2: refer to SendEmail action above.

Set the path and filename of the attachment in a Workflow value and enter the workflow value name in P4.

Ensure the path is set to UNC format and the users have access to it.

SendEmailToStarter Sends an email to the user who started the workflow Email template, CC, Subject  
SetDescription Sets the workflow description for use in Console and workflow logs. You can use any string/word as well as workflow and view variables.  
SetDrilldown SetDrilldown sets a value to a Sage 300 view field to enable Drilldown from the console to the underlying Sage 300 screen.

Parameter 1 is the field name that is used as the KEY field in the vidrilldown.ini file.

Parameter 2 is the value you want to set.

For example {IDCUST} for the customer number from an ARCUS workflow.

For details, refer to Drilldown in workflow.


Sets a configured field to a value.

Field can be any field on the view that the Workflow will be attached to

  • Use Extender Extender View Info to identify the Field name
  • e.g. AMTCRLIMIT for an A/R Customer workflow
  • Add the field name between curly brackets {}.
  • Use values defined in the workflow or a set value (e.g. 1 to set OnHold to true/selected)

You can use {VIEWID}, {VIEWKEY}, {KEYDESC}, {TOVALUE} - these correspond to the View ID, Record Key, Description, and Requested Value columns in the Workflow Console screen.

Example: To prevent a change to the credit limit, you use SetField to restore the value to the previous value using SetField and {ORIGINAL_AMTCRDLMT}

Note: You can update 2 fields with SetField . This is useful when updating SalesPerson and SalesPercentage on OE Order.


SetOptField Set an optional field value

Parameter 1 = Optional Field View ID - Use View Info to select - Use PO0623 for PO Header Optional Fields or G/L0400 for GL Account Optional Field

Parameter 2 = Optional Field Name

Parameter 3 = Optional Field Value

SetStatus SetStatus will set the status of a workflow instance. The Status is shown on the workflow Console P1 is the status you want to set to the workflow instance. Displayed on the console, on the workflow logs and in the workflow reports.  
SetValue SetValue will add a row to the workflow instance values grid.

Parameter 1 is the field name that you want to give to the Value.

Parameter 2 is the value you want to pass. It can be hard-coded, set to a value defined in the workflow or set to the View Field original or new value.

Use the field name between curly bracket to store the new amount (e.g. {AMTCRDLMT}


P1 can be set to {VIEWID} and value would be the Sage 300 View ID when a workflow is started from a screen and not attached to a view.


Displays a Error to the logged on user on the Sage screen.

As above.  

Displays a Message to the logged on user on the Sage screen.

Parameter 1: Text to display.

For information The message can include Variables, such as Workflow fields or Values from the workflow.

Use an Evaluate action before using the ShowUser actions to ensure that the message is only showing when the view is used on a Sage 300 screen.

field: "{PROGRAM}"

operator: "="

value: "AR1300" (RotoID of the screen that should display a message).


Displays a Warning to the logged on user on the Sage screen.

As above.  

Parameters to be used in workflow actions

The following values are available to use in action parameters and email templates used in the Workflow.SendEmail action:

{$1}, {$2}, {$3}, {$4} - step parameters

{PROGRAM} ID of calling program (e.g. OE1100 = Order Entry)

{ROTOID} ID of the calling view (e.g. AR0024 = AR Customers)

{USER} current user (e.g. ADMIN)

{field} gets a value either from the workflow instance values, or from the target view.

{VIEW.field} gets a value from the target view

{} gets a workflow instance value

{VIEWID} the view ID for this workflow instance

{VIEWKEY} the record key for this workflow instance

{KEYDESC} the description for this workflow instance

{TOVALUE} the requested value for this workflow instance

{STATUS} the current status for this workflow instance

{COLOR} the colour for this workflow instance

{CURUSER} the user or group currently assigned for this workflow instance

{WTNAME} the workflow template name for this workflow instance

{STUSER} the user who started this workflow instance

{STEPNAME} the current step for this workflow instance

{PSTEPNAME} the previous step for this workflow instance


Formatting numbers:

Append ':{required decimals}' to the field