EFT Processing General FAQ

EFT Processing (Sage 300) FAQ
Can I approve changes to vendor/customer/employee EFT bank details?

To implement 2-step approval, set the in EFT Options to Entered.

Refer to Approving changes of EFT Vendor/Customer/Employee details

Can I change an EFT Processing File format?

EFT Processing installs with a number of system defined file formats.  These formats are contained in a file formats.ini which is found in the ..\Sage\ELxxA directory.

Additional bank formats are added on demand by the Orchid support team for supported versions of EFT Processing.

Amending File Formats

The formats.ini file should never be changed on site. In the latest product updates, the formats.ini file includes a hash calculation to ensure the file is not tampered with. If the file is amended in anyway, it cannot be used in Create EFT File and you will receive an error message.

To change an existing bank format (or create a new one), copy the original bank format from the formats.ini file to the userformats.ini file and make the required changes.

Note: If you change the default formats.ini file, you get a "File Hash" Error when using the file in Create EFT File function.

Can I change labels in EFT vendor and Customer screens

EFT Options - Primary File Type Tab

Using a primary bank, field names can be tailored to the bank and optional extra fields can be enabled for Vendors, Customers and Employees.

Primary File Type Tab Fields and Controls

Select the Primary Bank File Type for this company.  It is used to display fields on the EFT Vendor and Customer screens. Vendor and Customer fields can be re-labeled and extra fields enabled as defined in the file format (in the formats.ini or the userformats.ini).

Note: If you can't see certain field labels in EFT Vendors or EFT Customers, it is often because the EFT Primary Bank field is blank on the Primary File Type

Note: You can also relabel, validate and add Extra fields to EFT Bank by selecting the bank's file type in EFT Banks. Refer to details in EFT Banks Setup Screen

The Primary File Type Tab is also used to enable the Encryption of Bank Details.

Can I delete audit records of completed EFT files?

EFT Processing will keep all transactions until you elect to clear completed EFT transactions up to and including a certain creation number.

Note:  Once this data is purged it will not be available for reporting.

Use the View/Clear Completed EFT Logs to

  1. Check which batches have already been processed in EFT Processing and where the file has been created.

  2. Clear completed EFT file transactions.

Can I encrypt details of EFT Banks?

The Primary File Type Tab is also used to enable the Encryption of Bank Details.

Can I save the description in Create EFT File for future use?

Save settings in Create EFT File

To save the settings used regularly, use the standard Sage 300 functionality in the Settings Menu > Save Settings As Default.

saves the following fields: Description, Reference and Skip/Display error for each batch type.


In the ACH file format, the Company Entry Description is based on Description field in Create EFT File screen. If it is the same for all files, you can enter the description in Create EFT File the first time you use it. Click on Settings – Save Settings as Defaults. The screen will default to the same description next time you create an EFT File.

Can I upload an EFT File to SharePoint?

EFT doesn't support uploading to SharePoint directly. To upload an EFT File to SharePoint, you would need to sync the appropriate SharePoint drive to a network folder or a local folder. Then setup the EFT File path as the local sync drive

Does Orchid EFT Support Sage 300 in French?

EFT Processing includes a French translation if the Sage 300 user is set to French language. You don't need any other configuration in Orchid EFT Processing.

Traitement TEF (Transferts Electroniques de Fonds)

How do I install the EFT Processing web screens?

Web Screens Installation

Web screens for Orchid modules rely on Extender for ease of deployment and maintenance. To run the EFT Processing web screens, you need to install and activate Extender, even if you don't have a license for Extender.

Key Steps to install

  • Install Latest EFT Processing update

  • Install Extender latest product update (PU9.00 and above)

  • Activate Extender in all companies where you want to use the web screens

  • Restart IIS

What are the key steps to upgrade EFT Formats?

Step 1: Transfer the custom format to the new version (or new server):

Locate the userformats.ini file in the Sage 300 programs directory, or customization directory, in the previous version or old server.

Copy it over to the ELXXA directory in the programs directory (or customization directory if you are using customization directories).

Example: If you are upgrading from version 2024 to version 2025, you need to copy the files from EL71A to the EL72A folder.

What encoding does EFT Processing file formats use?

You generally update the userformats.ini file in a Text Editor. If you have saved the file in the correct folder as described above, but you get an error message that the file type doesn't exist, check that the file is saved with UTF-8 encoding.

What is a Global File Sequence Number (FSN)?

EFT Options - Global FSN Tab

This tab allows you to assign a Global File Sequence Number (FSN) across all EFT banks. The Global FSN setup is used if you want to issue a single File Sequence Number across multiple banks.

What is the purpose of Primary File Type in EFT Options?

Using a primary bank, field names can be tailored to the bank and optional extra fields can be enabled for Vendors, Customers and Employees.

Where is the EFT Processing File format saved?

When processing a file layout, EFT Create File first checks the userformats.ini file for the bank selected.  If found, it uses the layout from the userformats.ini.  If not found, it uses the format from the system formats.ini file.


 The userformats.ini can be copied to the customization directory to use standard Sage 300 functionality of database and user control.

When processing a file layout, EFT Create File first checks the customization directory for userformats.ini.  If not found, it checks the ELXXA (e.g. EL72A for version 2025) folder of the Sage 300 install for userformats.ini and if not found it uses formats.ini in the ELXXA folder.

Why are the EFT web screens not showing?

EFT Processing Subscription License

Requirement! Web Screens for EFT Processing are only available if you have a valid subscription license for EFT Processing.

Why can I not recreate an EFT File already exported?

Recreating an EFT file

If the file has already been exported, you are prompted to re-create the file.

The user needs have the "Recreate EFT File" security group selected in Administrative Services.

Refer to EFT Security > Recreate EFT Files

Note: This is a new security option in the latest EFT product updates for Sage 300 versions 2019 and above (October 2021).
