EFT Options - Primary File Type Tab

Using a primary bank, field names can be tailored to the bank and optional extra fields can be enabled for Vendors, Customers and Employees.

Primary File Type Tab Fields and Controls

Select the Primary Bank File Type for this company.  It is used to display fields on the EFT Vendor and Customer screens. Vendor and Customer fields can be re-labeled and extra fields enabled as defined in the file format (in the formats.ini or the userformats.ini).

Note: If you can't see certain field labels in EFT Vendors or EFT Customers, it is often because the EFT Primary Bank field is blank on the Primary File Type

Note: You can also relabel, validate and add Extra fields to EFT Bank by selecting the bank's file type in EFT Banks. Refer to details in EFT Banks Setup Screen

The Primary File Type Tab is also used to enable the Encryption of Bank Details.