RMA Transactions Screen Guide
For details on RMA Transactions screens and fields :
Use the Return Authorization Entry form to:
- Record merchandise to be returned
- Keep track of status of each return
- Create replacement orders and credit notes in Order Entry
- Create returns to vendors in Purchase Orders
- Import return authorizations you created in another Sage 300 Return Material Authorization database or in a non-Sage 300 program.
Using RMA Templates
By setting up and using RMA Templates wisely, you can minimize data entry, and ensure that data is entered correctly.
Entering information in certain fields in an RMA document updates dependent fields automatically. For example, selecting a valid customer code also updates the customer currency field and billing information with information from the A/R customer record. Many fields in the RMA header and details have dependent fields.
Changing values in some fields may cause associated detail fields to be recalculated. For example, if you change the quantity for a detail, the program recalculates the extended price, cost, and vendor cost.
For Details, refer to Using Templates and Default Values
Enter RA Transaction
Fields and controls
- To add a new order, press the Tab key, click the New button, or choose New from the RA Menu. If you do not want RA to assign the return authorization number, type the number yourself.
- To select an existing return authorization for editing or crediting, use the Finder, or type the return authorization number, then press Tab or Enter.
Type or use the Finder to select the A/R customer account to which to post the return authorization.
The program displays the price list code, source currency, and billing information from the A/R customer record. The customer's name, billing address, tax group, and currency (in multicurrency systems) are used for the credit note.
Use this form to check or edit the billing information for an existing customer
To open the Customer Bill-To Address form, click the zoom button () beside the Customer Number field or, with the pointer in the Customer Number field, press F9.
If necessary, type the address to which you will send invoices for the order.
The program displays the address from the customer record.
Bill-To Name (RA)
If necessary, type the name to which you will send invoices for the order.
The program displays the name from the customer record.
Contact Information
If necessary, type the contact name, contact position, phone numbers, and e-mail address for the person to whose attention you will direct the return authorization.
The program displays the contact information from the customer record.
Customer Number (display only)
The customer number you typed in the Customer Number field is displayed in this form.
You cannot change the customer number here.
E-mail / Contact E-mail
Enter an e-mail address for the customer and for the contact, or accept the defaults. (The defaults are the email addresses entered in the A/R customer record or ship-to location.)
Phone Number, Fax Number, and E-mail
If necessary, type the phone number, fax number, and e-mail address for the billing location.
For existing customer numbers, the program displays the phone numbers and e-mail address from the customer record.
Total Amount
The program displays the total price of the items being returned. The amount does not include any taxes that are included in item prices.
The program displays the total extended cost of the items being returned. The amount does not include any taxes that are included in item prices.
Return Note Entry Return Authorization (RA) Tab
- Enter a new RA Number, select an existing RA Number or click the new button for a new RA Number if they are being created automatically. Note that automatic numbers are only assigned when you click save. This way you do not waste a number should you decide to cancel the entry prior to saving.
- Select a Customer.
- Select an appropriate Template Code, to help minimise the data entry effort and ensure data is captured in a reliable manner.
- Enter Detail lines.
- Enter who the return authorization has been authorized by. You may decide not to put anything into this field immediately. i.e. a customer may have conveyed their intent to return returning goods and you may have created an return authorization to print the return instruction. The return authorization may not be authorized until the merchandise has been returned and inspected.
- Additional optional header information includes customer claim number, expected ship date, shipping reference, ship to code, ship via code, price list code and customer sales invoice to populate detail lines description, reference, and comment for the transaction.
- Specify credits and returned quantities for particular detail lines from one invoice (selected in the header), multiple invoices (selected at the detail level) or no invoice (leave blank).
- Alter the numbers or amounts on lines to be returned.
- There is a vast amount of additional information which can be entered at the detail level. Most of the information can be defaulted from the RMA template. The bulk of it is not mandatory and should be used only if required in your business process. Mandatory fields include item number and location. Unit of measure and category are required but default off the item number.
- Line Type: Choose between Item or Miscellaneous.
- Detail information: can be entered in the spreadsheet-style grid or by using the F9 Zoom entry.
- Open a screen that resembles a form instead of the spreadsheet-style grid you see on the Detail Information page (press F9 or choose Zoom In/Out from the Edit menu). See RMA Transactions Screen Guide.
Return Authorization Fields and Controls
If the R/A Options form specifies a default template, the code for that template appears in this field when you enter new return authorizations. If there is no default template, or to change the template for this return authorization, use the Finder to select a template code.
Using templates helps to speed up data entry when you add new return authorizations. The program displays information from the specified template, and uses template settings to validate entries when you save the return authorization, and when you create a replacement order, credit note, or vendor return.
For more information about setting up templates, see RMA Templates Form Overview.
If you specified an RMA Document as the Fill Details By method, the program displays the RMA document number in this field.
Type the date for the return authorization.
The program automatically enters the session date in this field (the date you type when you start Sage 300 for a company).
You can mark a return authorization document Complete only if all the document details are marked Complete.
When you mark a detail line Complete, the program updates the Complete Date field.
Once a return authorization document is complete, you can generate the following associated documents:
- Replacement Order
- Credit Note
- Purchase Return
You use this field to override validation rules that are set up in the template RMA Templates - Screen Guide or in item policies. RMA Item Policy Screen Guide
Validation ensures that you:
- Enter an invoice number for all items.
- Do not credit more items than were sold, less credits already issued.
Only users authorized to approve RMAs (in the Authorization form) can override validation rules.
To override checking for items on the RMA:
- Enter the approver's name and Approver Password.
- Select Is RMA Approved.
- Click Close to return to the entry form.
Type or select an optional authorization code from the list of codes added in the Authorization Codes form.
If the customer has provided their reference number for this return authorization, type the customer claim number.
If a Customer Credit Note has been generated for this return authorization, the customer credit note date will be displayed.
If a Customer Credit Note has been generated for this return authorization, the last Customer Credit Note Number will be displayed.
If a replacement order has been generated for this return authorization, the last customer order date will be displayed.
If a Replacement Order has been generated for this return authorization, the last Customer Order Number will be displayed.
Enter a valid date when replacement goods are to be shipped.
Type or select an existing ship-to location that you have defined for the customer (in Accounts Receivable).
The program fills in the following header fields automatically:
- Ship-via Code – if a ship-via code is recorded in the ship-to record in Accounts Receivable it will be used to populate the RMA ship-via code field.
- Ship-to Name – if a location name was recorded in the ship-to record in Accounts Receivable it will be used to populate the RMA ship-to name field.
Select how you wish to populate RMA detail records by:
- O/E Invoice : An existing OE Invoice - to find return item(s) on a particular invoice.
- RMA Document : A current RMA document - to use an existing RMA as a template.
- Serial No. : to find a return item for which you do not know the Customer Number and/or Invoice number. The invoice number will be populated by choosing an item from this list.
- Lot No : to find a return item with a Lot Tracking number for which you do not know the Customer number and/or Invoice Number. The invoice number will be populated by choosing an item from this list.
- Item number : to find a return item for which you do not know the Customer Number and/or Invoice Number. The invoice number will be populated by choosing an item from this list. Please note : only costed invoice items will be displayed in this list of available items.
- Serial No (No invoice): to find a return item by serial number for which there is no associated invoice. If this option is used, then a default location (either for the customer on the RMA document or on the Template for the RMA must be specified.
Enter RMA description
RA Related Transactions
Use the controls on the RMA Entry screen to create related transactions.
Fields and Controls
Generate CN
Use this button when the RMA is complete to generate a credit note. RMA templates and Item policy details will be used.
Generate Order
Use this button when the RMA is complete to generate a replacement order. RMA templates and Item policy details will be used.
Generate PO Return
Use this button when the RMA is complete to generate a PO Return. RMA templates details will be used.
Note: PO Returns are matched to the PO Receipt if the PO Receipt number is filled in on the RMA Detail Line before clicking "Gen. PO Return"
Components Button
Click this button to view the components that make up a kit or BOM.
You can add both Kit Items and Kit Components to an RMA Document.
However, if you are working with a RMA Template that has "Invoice required on all items" selected, then you are unable to add the Kit Component to the RMA as there is no invoice number associated with the components. This is because only the OE Order/Shipment/Invoice only records the Kit item on the Item Detail.
In this case you can add the component(s) that need to be returned/replaced by selecting them from the IC Item list (not from the OE Invoice Item Details), and then you will need to "Authorize" the RMA by keying in a valid RMA User ID and Password who has been configured to be able to "Authorize" RMAs.
Authorizing RMAs essentially means that the RMA Template validations are suspended for any RMA Document that has been correctly authorized.
Calculate Restocking Fee
Select this button to calculate the restocking fee based on details setup in the related RMA template.
R/A Return Authorization Entry - Items and Detail Tabs
You use this "zoomed" form to enter details for return authorizations. It displays all the fields for a single detail, letting you see all the information for the particular detail without having to scroll through a number of columns.
You must use the detail form if you need to:
- Allocate serial numbers to the RMA.
- Add comments or shipping instructions.
- Enter vendor or customer warranty information.
- Add consumer details.
Click the grid on the Return Authorization tab, and then press F9.
To add or edit details using the zoomed form:
- To add a new detail, click the New icon next to the Line Number field.
To display an existing detail for editing, type its number in the RA Detail Line Number field, or use the navigation buttons () to display the detail.
- Enter or edit the detail information.
- Click Add or Save.
To delete details using the zoomed form
- Use the RA Detail Line Number field to display the detail you want to delete.
- Click Delete.
To return to the Return Authorization Entry form:
- Click Close.
RA Detail fields (on grid and F9 Zoomed form)
The detail line number is set automatically.
Select Item to create a RMA for an item.
Select Miscellaneous if you want to add a Miscellaneous charge to the RMA.
Tick if the detail line is complete.
Select the Date that line was completed.
To add a detail line for an existing invoice, type the invoice number or choose it from the Finder. The item finder in the detail list will now be filtered by the invoice number, allowing only items from that invoice.
If you specified an invoice posted in Sage 300 Order Entry, when you select an item, the program automatically fills in the detail fields with information from the invoice, including:
- Item number – formatted item number. (The unformatted item number is also recorded.)
- Item description – from Order Entry invoice detail line.
- Unit of Measure
- Unit Conversion Factor
- Quantity
- Price List Code
- Location
- Category
- Pricing Unit of Measure
- Pricing Unit Conversion factor
- Costing Unit of Measure
- Costing Unit Conversion factor
- Unit Price – from Order Entry invoice detail line.
- Unit Cost – from Order Entry invoice detail line.
- Extended Price – calculated value; not retrieved from Order Entry invoice detail.
- Extended Cost – calculated value; not retrieved from Order Entry invoice detail.
To add a return authorization detail line for an purchase receipt, type the purchase receipt number or choose it from the Finder. The information entered for the purchase receipt appears on the detail list.
If a vendor Purchase Order receipt is entered for an RMA detail line, the following fields will be populated from receipt detail record information:
- Vendor Costing Unit of Measure
- Vendor Costing Unit Conversion factor
- Vendor Unit Cost
- Vendor receipt sequence number
Line number in the original invoice or receipt will be displayed in this field.
Type the item number for the item detail or choose it from the Finder.
Formatted item number. Unformatted item number is also recorded.
- Item description
- Unit of Measure
- Unit Conversion Factor
- Quantity
- Price List Code
- Category
- Location
- Pricing Unit of Measure
- Pricing Unit Conversion factor
- Costing Unit of Measure
- Costing Unit Conversion factor
- Unit Price – from Order Entry invoice detail line.
- Unit Cost – from Order Entry invoice detail line.
- Extended Price – calculated value; not retrieved from Order Entry invoice detail.
- Extended Cost – calculated value; not retrieved from Order Entry invoice detail.
If a customer invoice is not selected for this RMA detail line, entering an item number will populate the following fields with information for this item recorded in Sage 300 Inventory Control:
- Item description
- Category – default item category recorded in Sage 300Inventory Control.
- Unit of Measure – from Sage 300 Inventory Control contract price or price list record.
- Price List Code - default Price List recorded in Sage 300 Inventory Control.
- Pricing Unit of Measure – from Sage 300 Inventory Control contract price or price list if no contract price exists.
- Unit Price – from contract price or price list if no contract price exists.
The program displays the description entered in the Customer Invoice or Item record for the item selected. You can type a new description for an individual return authorization if you wish.
Type the Kit/BOM number for the item detail or choose it from the Finder.
Formatted Kit/BOM number.
Select the location that the item is returning to.
Default item location can be setup in the template. Use this field if you want to keep all the returned items in a separate location until the item status has been decided.
The program displays the category assigned to the customer invoice if an invoice has been selected or to the item record in Inventory Control if no customer invoice has been selected. You can select a different category for the detail line from the list displayed by the finder.
A default item category can be setup in the template. Use this field if you want to keep all the returned items in a separate category until the item status has been decided.
If no original invoice is selected, the Price List Code will be automatically populated when a customer code is selected. This Price List code displays the Price List as set up in the Accounts Receivable Customer Setup. To change, type or select an existing Price List that you have defined in Inventory Control.
If an original invoice is selected, the Price List Code will be automatically populated when a when the invoice is selected.
Entering a quantity to be returned will force the calculation of values for fields:
- Extended Price
- Extended Cost
- Extended Vendor Cost
The program displays the unit of measure from the customer invoice or item record, but you can change it
When you specify a unit of measure, the program automatically fills in the following fields:
You allocate serial and lot numbers in RMA the way you do in Order Entry, with the following exceptions:
- You can allocate only existing serial and lot numbers in RMA. This means that if you specify an invoice number for the return, you can allocate only serial numbers that were assigned on the original invoice. (In Order Entry, you can also generate new serial and lot numbers.)
- For returned items that use serial numbers issued using version 5.5, or earlier versions, you must issue a credit note in Order Entry.
- For returned items that use serial numbers generated using the Serial Registration form in Inventory Control, you must issue a credit note in Order Entry.
Lot Tracked
Tick the box if the item is lot tracked
Click on the Arrow to enter the lot numbers of the items returned.
Have Serial Numbers
Tick the box if the item has a serial number.
Click on the Arrow to enter the serial numbers of the items returned.
Tick the box to add a comment.
Click on the Up Arrow to add the detail comment
If the return material authorization is job-related, you specify for each detail line where the items or resources are going to be used.
For job-related return material authorizations, you also specify near the end of the detail line the WIP Account (for Invoicing) or the Revenue and COGS accounts and the Billing Type for the customer invoice.
Generating a replacement order through the return material authorization will update the committed quantities and costs for jobs in the and Job Costing module.
You must select the Job-Related checkbox in the top part of the Job Related tab in the Return Material Authorization entry form for these fields to appear.
You enter/select the resource using the Item Number field.
You cannot change these fields once you have added the detail line.
COGS (Cost of Goods Sold) Account
If the order is job-related, and you did not select Project Invoicing, the program displays the default cost of goods sold account from Project and Job Costing for each order detail.
You can change the account number.
Cost Class (display only)
The program displays the cost class for the category used in each detail. You cannot change this field.
WIP Account
If the sales order is job-related, and you selected Project Invoicing, you also specify the Work In Progress account for each order detail.
The account number specified in Project and Job Costing will appear by default, but you can change it.
(The level at which the WIP account is specified in Project and Job Costing depends on the project type and accounting method.)
This option is available only if you are entering a job related Return Material Authorization and have selected the Retainage Accounting option in your Accounts Receivable system.See "Job Related Tab"
Retainage % (percentage)
The program displays the retainage percentage used to calculate the retainage amount for the shipment.
It is a weighted average percentage, based on the sum of the details.
Retainage Amount (detail)
The retainage amount is the amount the customer can withhold from an original document detail until the end of the retention period, when retainage is invoiced.
To calculate the retainage amount, the program multiples the extended detail amount (or the extended amount plus tax, if you include taxes in retainage) by the retainage percentage.
You can enter a new retainage amount, if necessary. If you enter an amount to replace a calculated amount, the program recalculates the retainage percentage.
Retention Period (detail)
The retention period is the number of days for which the customer can withhold the retainage amount. You issue the retainage invoice from the Accounts Receivable program at the end of the retention period.
Revenue/Billing Account
If the sales order is job-related, and you did not select Project Invoicing, you also specify the Revenue/Billings account for each order detail.
The default account number comes from Project and Job Costing and is used instead of the Sales Account specified for the item in the item category record.
Select this option if the items are being returned to inventory or written off.
If you are entering the detail on the detail entry grid, double-click in the Return To Stock? column for the detail line to change the entry to Yes.
This information is passed to Order Entry Credit notes when you generate a credit note.
Tick the box(es) if you want to include the item on:
- the replacement order
- the credit note
- the vendor return
Select the options if you want to include the item at zero value on:
- The replacement order
- The credit note
- The vendor return
Click on the Arrow to enter the Optional Fields of the items returned on this line.
Use the Finder to select the optional fields for this transaction. The Finder opens a list created in Common Services Optional Fields setup that were assigned in RMA to be added to transactions.
RA Detail Pricing Fields
This field shows whether the price of this item is based on weight or on quantity. (Pricing by weight is available in Sage 300 Premium ERP only.)
If pricing is by quantity, the program sets volume discount amounts or percentages according to the quantity of goods that are ordered.
If pricing is by weight, the program sets volume discount amounts or percentages by item weight.
The weights are calculated in RMA by multiplying the unit weight of an item times the quantity ordered, and converting the weight to default units.
If pricing by weight, the program displays the pricing weight unit (from the price list).
If pricing is by weight, the program sets volume discount amounts or percentages by item weight.
The weights are calculated in Return Material Authorizations by multiplying the unit weight of an item times the quantity ordered, and converting the weight to default units.
The program displays the pricing unit of measure from the customer invoice if a customer invoice has been entered.
Entering the Pricing Unit of Measure populates:
- Pricing Unit of Measure Conversion factor ; retrieved from Sage 300 Inventory Control for the item in this RMA detail line.
- Extended Price recalculated.
The program displays the unit price from the customer invoice or item pricing details. May be changed.
Entering a Unit Price forces recalculation of value contained in:
- Extended Price
The program displays the total price of the item being returned. The amount does not include any taxes that are included in item prices.
You can specify a separate discount percentage or amount for each detail on an RMA.
You can still enter a discount for the document, if you prefer. RA then prorates the discount amount for the transaction details, overriding any discount amounts you may have entered manually for a detail.
You can specify a discount percentage or amount for each detail on an RMA.
You can still enter a discount for the document, if you prefer. RA then prorates the discount amount for the transaction details, overriding any discount amounts you may have entered manually for a detail.
This field displays the amount for the detail after the discount is applied.
This is the unit of measure for weighing this item on the RMA.
Depending on your settings in O/E Options, the program displays either the item weight unit (from the item record) or the pricing weight unit (from the price list).
Note that:
- If the item is not priced by weight, the program displays the item weight unit from the item record.
- If the item is priced by weight, and it has base prices for multiple UOMs, the program displays the default unit of measure from the price list if your Default Order Weight UOM in O/E Options is the Pricing Weight Unit.
- You can change the weight unit of measure for the detail line, if necessary.
- The weight UOM for the complete order is determined by the default weight unit of measure set in the I/C Options form.
This is the weight of a single item for this detail line expressed in the RA Weight Unit of Measure. You can multiply this weight by the quantity ordered to get the extended weight.
The quantity shipped multiplied by the unit weight entered for the item in Inventory Control.
You can edit the item weight and the extended on the RMA, if necessary.
You may want to use the extended weight for determining the postage, shipping, or other charges.
RMA converts the extended weight for each line to the order weight UOM, and puts the estimated weight for the entire order on the Totals tab.
The costing unit of measure defaults from the customer invoice (if entered).
The costing unit of measure populates the field:
- Costing unit of measure conversion rate &endash; retrieved from Sage 300 Inventory Control for the item in this RMA detail line.
- Extended cost &endash; recalculated
The program displays the unit cost from the customer invoice or location, but you can change it.
For kitting items, the unit cost displayed is the sum of all of the component costs.
Entering a unit cost forces the recalculation of the Extended Cost field.
The program displays the extended cost of the item being returned. The amount does not include any taxes that are included in item prices.
The program displays the vendor costing unit from the purchase receipt, if you specified a purchase receipt.
If you change the vendor costing unit of measure, the program uses the conversion factor from the I/C item record to recalculate the amount in the Extended Vendor Cost field.
The vendor unit cost is used when creating a vendor return.
If the RMA is linked to a vendor receipt, the unit cost from the vendor receipt appears as the default in this field.
If the RMA is not linked to a vendor receipt, the cost method specified as the Default Item Cost in P/O Options determines the default unit cost.
If you change the vendor unit cost, the program recalculates the Extended Vendor Cost field.
This amount is the quantity returned multiplied by the vendor unit cost.
Fields on the Status Tab are optional if the allow blank is selected in the RA Setup > Options > Processing Tab Options Form Overview or the associated RA Template RMA Templates - Screen Guide .
Fields are mandatory if the" allow blank" is not selected in the RA Setup or the associated RA Template.
Type or select status code from the list of codes added in the Status Codes form.
This field is optional if the allow blank status codes is selected in the RA Setup form or the associated RA Template.
Type or select workflow stage code from the list of codes added in the Workflow Stage Codes form.
This field is optional if the allow blank workflow stage codes is turned on in the RA Setup form or in the associated RA Template.
This field is mandatory if the allow blank workflow stage codes is turned off in the RA Setup form or in the associated RA Template.
Type or select fault code from the list of codes added in the Fault Codes form.
This field is optional if the allow blank fault codes is turned on in the RA Setup form or the associated RA Template.
This field is mandatory if the allow blank fault codes is turned off in the RA Setup form or the associated RA Template.
Type or select repair agent status code from the list of codes added in the Repair Agent Codes form.
This field is optional if the allow blank repair agent status codes is turned on in the RA Setup form or associated Template form.
This field is mandatory if the allow blank repair agent status codes is turned off in the RA Setup form or associated Template form.
Type the date the merchandise has been sent to the repair agent.
Type the date the merchandise was received.
Type the date the merchandise was rejected.
Type the reason the return authorization is being rejected.
Enter details about the Customer and Vendor warranties
Select this field if the merchandise on the detail line is under warranty.
Type an optional warranty reference for this detail line, using up to 22 characters.
Customer Warranty Expiry Date
Type the date your customer's warranty expires for this item.
Vendor Warranty
Select this field if the merchandise on the detail line is under warranty.
Vendor Warranty Reference
Type an optional warranty reference for this detail line, using up to 22 characters.
Type the date your vendor's warranty expires for this item.
Enter details about the consumer.
Customer Replacement Invoice Number
If your customer has already supplied a replacement item to the end consumer and you wish to record these details, enter the replacement invoice number.
Consumer Code
If Lot tracking or Serialized Inventory are used, you can select a Consumer code.
If the merchandise has been returned by the end consumer, and those details are required for tracking purposes, enter the name, address, phone and fax of the consumer.
Customer Replacement Invoice Date
If your customer has already supplied a replacement item to the end consumer and you wish to record these details, enter the replacement invoice date.
If the merchandise is being returned by the end consumer and you wish to track their details, enter the date the end consumer purchased the merchandise.
RMA lets you enter a tracking number (waybill number) for each detail, so that you can keep track of shipments that use different carriers or that were shipped at different times.
If the return authorization line is linked to an OE Invoice line, then the shipment tracking number will default to the Shipment Tracking Number from the OE Invoice line.This may be changed or entered in RMA to keep track of the shipment tracking number when returning the goods.
If an OE replacement order is created for this return authorization line, this shipment tracking number is not copied to the OE replacement order. (It is assumed that a different Shipment Tracking number will be used to return the goods to the customer.)
Type or select an optional ship-via code from the list of codes added in the Ship-Via Codes form.
If you designated a primary ship-to location for the customer in Accounts Receivable, the shipping information from the primary ship-to location record appears as the default, but you can change it.
The program displays the ship-via description from the ship-to location record, or if no ship-to is specified, from the ship-via code.
If you have set up manufacturer's item numbers in Inventory Control, you can enter the manufacturer's item number (usually a bar code) in this field, rather than entering your inventory control item number. The manufacturers' item numbers are translated to your inventory item numbers by Inventory Control.
For more information about using manufacturer's item numbers, see the Inventory Control help.
If you know the customer's item number, you can enter it in this field on the Ship Via / Alternate Items / Comment form.
Type an optional comment for the return authorization line, using up to 250 characters, then press Tab to add the comment to the return authorization.
You can either let the program assign the line breaks or assign them yourself, by pressing the Ctrl and Enter keys together each time you want to start a new line.
You can include the comment on printed RA Confirmations or RA Instructions.
If a Customer Credit Note has been generated for this return authorization, the customer credit note date will be displayed.
If a Customer Credit Note has been generated for this return authorization, the Customer Credit Note Number will be displayed.
If a replacement order has been generated for this return authorization, the customer order date will be displayed.
If a Replacement Order has been generated for this return authorization, the Customer Order Number will be displayed.
If a Purchase Return has been generated for this return authorization, the purchase return number appears.
The program displays the date the purchase return to your vendor was generated.
Return Authorization Entry Customer Tab
- The shipping method for the order.
- An optional territory code.
- The price list to use to select prices for item details.
- The tax group for the order.
- The customer account set.
- The Terms Code that identifies the payment terms that will be used for invoices from the order.
Type or select a valid ship via code, if required.
Type an optional shipping reference for the return authorization using up to 22 characters.
Type the optional six-character territory code that your company uses to identify sales regions or sort customer accounts. You can assign a territory code to each ship-to location you create for customers in Accounts Receivable.
The territory code is not maintained as a separate record in Sage 300. You can use the field in any way you want.
Type the code that identifies the discount level for the customer.
You can select Base, A, B, C, D, or E. “Base” indicates the customer is not eligible for price discounts if the discount is based on customer type.
Customer types are assigned in the customer record in Accounts Receivable, but you can change the type. Item prices are specified by customer type in Inventory Control.
If no original invoice is selected, the Price List Code will be automatically populated when a customer code is selected. This Price List code displays the Price List as set up in the Accounts Receivable Customer Setup. To change, type or select an existing Price List that you have defined in Inventory Control.
If an original invoice is selected, the Price List Code will be automatically populated when a when the invoice is selected.
Type the code that identifies the customer's tax group. The description for the tax group you enter appears beside the Tax Group field.
The tax group determines the tax authorities to which the customer is subject, and the tax classes that are used for each authority to calculate sales tax. You can change the tax classes for the customer and for individual detail lines.
You can change the tax group at any time, even after posting. (For example, if you change the ship-to location, you can also change the tax group to include the tax authorities for the new location.)
In multicurrency ledgers, the tax group can have a different reporting currency than the functional currency or than the customer.
The account set from the customer record appears in this field as the default. It specifies the general ledger receivables control, payment discounts, prepayment liability, retainage, and write-offs accounts to which the transaction will be distributed.
You can change the account set. If you use multicurrency, however, the new account set must use the same currency as the customer's account set.
The program displays the terms code specified in the customer record, but you can change it for individual returns.
Enter the restocking Fee percentage. It is applied when using "Calculate Restock Fee" is used.
Return Authorization Entry Vendor Tab
You use the Vendor tab to:
- Specify information required to generate a vendor return in Purchase Orders.
- Drill down to a generated purchase return, if items have been returned through Purchase Orders.
- Enter claims from a secondary vendor, such as a shipping agent, for damaged goods. You specify a claim vendor code, claim number, and amount.
You enter an A/P vendor number in this field if you are going to generate a vendor return.
You must enter the vendor number before entering the item details. The vendor item cost is not updated if you change or add the vendor after you enter detail lines.
If you do not specify a vendor, the vendor unit cost will be zero.
Once you specify the vendor, the program fills in the vendor name and currency from the A/P vendor record.
Enter the date that the vendor authorized your return of the items (the date of the vendor's RMA).
Type your vendor's RA number.
If a Purchase Return has been generated for this return authorization, the purchase return number appears.
The program displays the date the purchase return to your vendor was generated.
Select an Inventory Control location code to which bills for the purchase order will be sent.
You can also use the Zoom button () to open a separate form where you can edit the address for the code you select, or you can omit the code and type in a billing address.
Select the Vendor Ship via code used to create a Vendor Return.
See Sage 300 Purchase Order documentation for details. (Set up a record for each carrier you use to deliver your orders from vendors.)
If you are claiming an amount other than the cost of the items you are returning, type or select the code for the vendor responsible for the claim.
For example, if goods were damaged in transit, you would use this field to identify the insurance company.
Enter the reference number provided by the claim vendor.
Enter the amount you are claiming from the claim vendor (for example, for an insurance claim for merchandise damaged in transit).
Return/Credit Note Entry Optional Fields Tab
This tab contains optional fields that have been configured and may or may not be compulsory. If the optional fields have the same name, type and length as fields in Order Entry they will be passed though when credit notes and replacement orders are created in Order Entry and to PO Returns when created in Purchase Order.
You see only the fields for which Yes is entered in the Use column in the RMA Setup > Optional Fields
- Add or change information for the return in the optional fields that you use.
- Enter a comment relating to the return authorization as a whole
Type an optional comment for the return authorization, using up to 250 characters, then press Tab to add the comment to the return authorization. Note: if you do not press Tab, your comment will not be saved.
You can either let the program assign the line breaks or assign them yourself, by pressing the Ctrl and Enter keys together each time you want to start a new line.
You can include the comment on printed RA Confirmations or RA Instructions.
Use the Finder to select the optional field for this RMA. The Finder opens a list created in Common Services Optional Fields setup that were assigned in RMA to be added to transactions.
Job Related Tab
Select the Job Related option if this order applies to a project that you are managing using Sage 300 Project and Job Costing.
When you select the option, additional fields appear in the detail-entry grid to let you enter job-related information for each item.
You can also choose:
Retainage accounting, if you invoice the customer for most of the order up-front, and then invoice the remainder of the order after a hold-back period.
Project invoicing, if all of the billing for this order will be handled by the Project and Job Costing module.
This option is available only if you are using the Project and Job Costing module.
If you select this option, all of the billing for this order will be handled by the Project and Job Costing module.
If you create an O/E Replacement Order through RMA, Order Entry will not create an invoice for this order, but will pass all information to Project and Job Costing for it to process billings using the Create Billing Worksheet.
If you choose this option, Return Material Authorization will not create a credit note for the RMA document.
When you post the replacement order, Order Entry will update the contracts, projects, categories, and (if required) resources in Project and Job Costing to which the items in this order apply
This option is available only if you are entering a job related Return Material Authorization and have selected the Retainage Accounting option in your Accounts Receivable system.
You select the Retainage option to indicate that retainage applies to the document you are entering.
When you select the Retainage option in Return Material Authorization, a Retainage selections appear where you specify how to process retainage for credit notes and replacement orders generated through RMA..
The Retainage option is not available if you choose Project Invoicing (where invoicing is handled through the Project and Job Costing module).
Return Authorization Entry Rates Tab
The Rates tab appears only if you use multicurrency accounting and you are entering a document for a customer who does not use your company’s functional currency (and the exchange is not between two EMU member currencies).
- Change the rate type, rate date, and exchange rate for converting the order amount from the customer's currency to your functional (home) currency.
- If you are shipping goods, change the rate information for converting the shipped amount from customer's currency.
- If you are invoicing shipped goods, change the rate information for the invoice.
- Enter or derive the rate for converting tax amounts to the tax reporting currency (if you report taxes in a different currency than you collect them).
- If you specify a template for the RMA and the template uses the option to match credit notes to invoices, the credit note will use the exchange rate from the customer invoice. You should set the Default Credit Note Date on the template to Session Date to ensure that the customer invoice exchange rate will always be used.
- If you do not specify a customer invoice (or if you specify an invoice but without a template with the option to match credit note to invoice), the credit note will use the exchange rate from the currency tables for the date of the credit note.
- This option has no effect on replacement orders or vendor returns. RMA determines the exchange rate for their respective document dates using the currency tables in Common Services.
Select this option if you want to specify the exchange rate for the credit note, replacement order, and vendor return. Then specify the exchange rate, rate date, and rate type on the fields that appear on the Rate tab.
The program displays the customer's currency code and description.
If the rate type you want to use is not displayed, type the code or choose it from the Finder.
The program uses rate types when converting multicurrency amounts to functional currency. Examples of rate types might be ”spot rate,” ”average rate,” and ”contract rate.”
You define rate types using the Currency Rate Types form in the Common Services folder.
Type the date to use to select the exchange rate. The program displays the rate date that is nearest the date you typed, but you can change to another date for which an exchange rate is entered for the currency in the Currency forms in the Common Services folder.
If you change the rate date, RMA checks the rate tables for a date match and updates the rate if necessary.
The program displays the exchange rate currently in effect for the specified currency and the displayed rate type and rate date. You can change the rate.