Generate Order

Once you have completed an RMA, you can create associated documents.

You select the Complete option in the header to complete an RMA.

  • Replacement Order. RMA generates one replacement order for details that use the option Put On Replacement Order. The replacement order, salespeople, comment, and so on, are set according to the template defaults.   

Once the replacement order has been generated, the replacement order date and number are stored with the detail for later reference. The last replacement order’s generated details are stored on the RMA header.  

Tip: If a detail does not use the option Put On Replacement Order, it is not included on the replacement order. You can change this option later (by clearing the Complete option for the RMA header, amending the detail line, and then selecting Complete again for the header), and then click Generate Order again to produce an additional replacement order. However, any given line can be used on only one replacement order   

Ship-To on generated documents

If you create a Replacement O/E Sales Order from a RMA detail line where there is an applied O/E Invoice, then the ship-to from the original O/E Invoice will be defaulted onto the new Replacement O/E Sales Order.

The Ship-to on the RMA header is not defaulted to selected O/E Invoices, as you may have multiple O/E Invoices on the same RMA.

If you are not working with Applied O/E invoices on each RMA detail line - then you can select/change the Ship-To Location on the RMA Header before creating any O/E Credit Notes or Replacement O/E Sales Orders. The Ship-To Location will initially default from the Primary AR Customer Ship-To (if there is one).