Steps for Setting Up EFT Processing

This topic lists the steps for setting up a new EFT Processing system

Step 1: Gather your existing EFT Processing data.

Step 2: Add security information.

Step 3: Assigning Visual Process Flows

Step 4: Specify Options

Step 5: Add Bank setup records.

To process A/P Payments to Vendors

Step 1: Add Vendor setup records.

If using EFT Processing with A/R Customers

Required only to process A/R Direct debit or refunds to customers with EFT Processing.

Step 1: Add Customer setup records.

Step 2: Configure EFT Receipt Selection codes.

Configure Emails and forms

This is required to print and email Remittance Advices to Vendors and Customers.

Step 1: Add Messages Records.

Step 2: Design EFT Processing forms.

Upgrade Steps

If upgrading from prior version, check the user formats and custom forms, Upgrading EFT Processing Key Steps

Optional, If using Sage 300 Web Screens

This can be done for a new or existing implementation.

Step 1: Install EFT Web Screens. Refer to Install EFT Web Screens.