Email Messages Setup
The E-mail Messages form lets you create Email message templates to be sent with e-mailed remittance advices, refund advices, direct debit advices and payroll remittance advices when using EFT Payroll.
You can use HTML or Text message templates.
To create an e-mail message that you can use with remittance advices:
Choose E-mail Messages from the EFT Setup folder.
Complete the fields on the form.
Click Add or Save when you are satisfied with your message.
Email Message variables and sample templates
You can enter variables (field names) from your company database, including vendor, customer, employee and details of the EFT Transaction.
Use field names, surrounded by {FIELDNAME} or preceded by a dollar sign, to identify variable information that you want to include with the message.
Refer to Email Messages - Variables to include for details relating to EFT AP/AR and EFT Payroll.
Email subject can also include variables
For example, Payment from {COMPANY_NAME} will replace {COMPANY_NAME} with the Sage 300 company name defined in Company Profile.
You can use the following sample e-mail messages for the different types of advices in EFT Processing. Copy and paste into the Email Message screen.
Refer to Sample EFT Email Messages
To add a logo to the Message templates, you have to use an HTML template and include an image tag pointing to a logo hosted on your website.
Using Email Messages
When you select Email or Contact's Email as the Delivery Method in the EFT Print advice screen, you can select the Message ID for the message you want to send with the vendor, customer or employee's advice.
Refer to EFT Print Advices for details on sending email messages in EFT Processing.