Sample EFT Email Messages
You can copy the sample below and paste into EFT Email Messages Screen.
EFT Payments Text email
EFT Payments (AP) Text email
Please be advised that a payment has been made to your nominated bank account on {PAYMENT_DATE_YYYY}/{PAYMENT_DATE_MM}/{PAYMENT_DATE_DD}
The applied documents are as follows :
EFT Payments HTML email
EFT Payments (AP) HTML Email
<p>Please be advised that a payment has been made to your nominated bank account on {PAYMENT_DATE_YYYY}-{PAYMENT_DATE_MM}-{PAYMENT_DATE_DD}</p>
<p>The applied documents are as follows :</p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
EFT Payments HTML email - example with image link
To add a logo to the Message templates, you have to use an HTML template and include an image tag pointing to a logo hosted on your website.
This is available in the latest update for Sage 300 version 2016 and above.
<p><img src="" alt="Logo"></p>
<p>Please be advised that a payment has been made to your nominated bank account on {PAYMENT_DATE_YYYY}-{PAYMENT_DATE_MM}-{PAYMENT_DATE_DD}</p>
<p>The applied documents are as follows :</p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
EFT Direct Debit Text
EFT AR Direct Debit - Text example
Please be advised, according to our agreement, we have direct debited your nominated bank account on {PAYMENT_DATE_YYYY}/{PAYMENT_DATE_MM}/{PAYMENT_DATE_DD}
The applied documents are as follows :
EFT Direct Debit HTML
EFT Direct Debit - AR - HTML Example
<p>Please be advised, according to our agreement, we have direct debited your nominated bank account on {PAYMENT_DATE_YYYY}-{PAYMENT_DATE_MM}-{PAYMENT_DATE_DD}</p>
<p>The applied documents are as follows :</p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
EFT Payroll Advice Text
EFT Payroll - Text message
Please find attached the remittance advice for your pay for Pay Period End {PEREND_YYYY}/{PEREND_MM}/{PEREND_DD}
Amount: {EAMOUNT}
EFT Payroll Advice HTML
EFT Payroll advice - HTML Example
<p> </p>
<p>Please find attached the remittance advice for your pay for Pay Period End {PEREND_MM}-{PEREND_DD}- {PEREND_YYYY}</p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
Tip: When you use {field} or $field , EFT will replace the code by the value of the field when sending the email. When using HTML Emails, use {field} as it knows where the field ends and is more reliable. $field is available for backward compatibility purposes.
Tip: Email templates are sent as HTML if they contain "<html>" and "</html> Tags. Only available in the latest product updates of Sage 300 version 2016 and above.
Tip: To add a line in HTML templates, you must use <BR> or include <p>my text </p> around each line.
Tip: If copying your existing text email templates and converting them to HTML template, make sure you add <BR> wherever a new line is required.