Transaction Routes
Transaction routes are used by the Inter-Entity module to generate the balancing transactions. You can setup direct or indirect routes.
Important! There must be at least a route between each entity and the default entity and between each transacting entity.
Direct routes between entity 1 and entity 2 can be setup as well as more complex, indirect routes using multiple links between entity 1 and 2 (i.e. from entity 1 to entity 3, from entity 3 to entity 4, from entity 4 to entity 2).
Note: Income statement accounts which are entity related should close to a retained earnings account for that entity. In this case, prior year adjustments will automatically adjust the correct retained earnings entity account. If the entity related income statement accounts do not close to a retained earnings account for the appropriate entity, prior year adjustments to appropriate entity loan accounts will have to be done manually.
Choose Entity 1 by typing the segment code / codes or Click the Zoom button ( or press F9) to open the Construct Entity Number form.
Choose Entity 2 by typing the segment code / codes or Click the Zoom button ( or press F9) to open the Construct Entity Number form.
- Click the Save Button when the route is complete.
Route Entity 1: Choose Entity 1 based on the General Ledger Segments defined in Inter-Entity Options Setup.
Route Entity 2: Choose Entity 2 based on the General Ledger Segments defined in Inter-Entity Options Setup.
Link Entity 1: Link Entity 1 is the starting point of the detail transaction route. Link Entity 1 is constructed based on the General Ledger Segments defined in Inter-Entity Options Setup.
For direct routes, Link Entity 1 is Route Entity 1.
For indirect routes, Link Entity 1 can be Route Entity 1 or any intermediary Entity.
Link Entity 1 Due From Account: Link Entity 1 Due From is the Due From Entity 2 Account for Link Entity 1
Inter-Entity ensures that the Link Entity 1 Due From contains Link Entity 1 segment.
Link Entity 1 Due To Account: Link Entity 1 Due To is the Due To Entity 2 Account for Link Entity 1
Link Entity 2
Link Entity 2 is the starting point of the detail transaction route. Link Entity 2 is constructed based on the General Ledger Segments defined in Inter-Entity Options Setup.
For direct routes, Link Entity 2 is Route Entity 2.
For indirect routes, Link Entity 2 can be Route Entity 2 or any intermediary Entity.
Link Entity 2 Due From Account: is the Due From Entity 1 Account for Link Entity 2
Link Entity 2 Due To Account: is the Due To Entity 1 Account for Link Entity 2
Note: Inter-Entity ensures that the Link Entity 1 Due From and Due To contains Link Entity 1 segment and that the Link Entity 2 Due From and Due To contains Link Entity 2 segment.
Note: Link Entity 1 Due From Account and Link Entity 2 Due To Account should be setup as Linked Accounts in Linked Accounts and Link Entity 2 Due From Account and Link Entity 2 Due To Account should be setup as Linked Accounts in Linked Accounts as Linked accounts are used as the basis for the Inter-Entity Account Balance report.
See Also