Construct Entity Number Popup

Use this popup to add new entity numbers and entering values for the segments in the number.  

Using this popup to enter new entity numbers saves you from having to remember the format of an entity structure, and lets you choose the correct segment codes from the Finder for segments for which the Validate option is selected on the Processing tab of the Inter-Entity Options form.


To open or close the Construct Entity Number popup, click the Zoom button next to the Item Number field, or press F9 in the field.


To add entity numbers

Enter a value for each G/L segment of the entity number. You can use the Finder to select segment codes.

Check the Entity Number field to be sure the entry in the field is correct, then click Close to move the new entity number to the Transaction Routes tab. (When you click the Close button, the new number is automatically formatted and inserted into the Entity Number field.)


See also

Transaction Routes Setup — Overview