Linked Accounts

Linked accounts are used to default the route link accounts to assist in data entry on the Transaction Routes screen.

The Linked Accounts are primarily used to support the IET Inquiries > Account Balance inquiry where you select a Year/Period, Currency Type and currency and click "Go". The Screen uses the IET Linked Accounts to display the

  • Due-To in the source company balance along side the Due-From in the target company

  • Due-From in the source company balance along side the Due-To in the target company

Accordingly, the Link Acct 1 can only be configured to be linked with one target entity & one link acct 2. You should have a unique due to / due from in one entity for each of the target entities linked to it.

Note: In the latest product updates, you can only enter one record per linked Account 1. When upgrading, you may get an error message DBS_CONFLICT if you have multiple records for the same linked account 1. In such cases, it is recommended to remove the duplicate records prior to upgrading.

For each pair with mirrored loan accounts:

The “Due From the second entity” account in the first entities accounts should link to the “Due to the first entity” account in the second entities accounts.

The “Due to the second entity” account in the first entities accounts should link to the “Due From the first entity” account in the second entities accounts.

Each relationship need only be setup once as Inter-Entity will check in both directions

To enter new linked accounts

  1. Choose Account 1 using the Finder (F5) or typing the account number you want to link

  2. Choose Account 2 using the Finder (F5) or typing the account number you want to link

  3. Enter Insert to add a new line

  4. When all the linked accounts are setup, choose Close

Linked Accounts Setup Field List

Account 1: You can enter the formatted or the unformatted G/L account number. Inter-Entity stores the unformatted and the formatted account numbers. Inter-Entity displays the account description.

Account 2: You can enter the formatted or the unformatted G/L account number. Inter-Entity stores the unformatted and the formatted account numbers. Inter-Entity displays the account description.

See Also

Transaction Routes