Extender Email Tab

The Email tab lets you define your email server. When you fill in the email option on the Extender Options, it will email directly to your email server using the selected service. You can email documents using 2 methods, SMTP with basic authentication or App password or Microsoft Graph (when using Microsoft Office 365 and SMTP basic authentication is not enabled).

Email Service

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). You can use your own SMTP server, or an SMTP service.

Microsoft Graph. This service sends email via Microsoft Office 365. It is generally used when SMTP Basic authentication is not enabled in Office 365.

Refer to Office 365 and Microsoft Graph

Note: Microsoft Graph is available in the latest product updates for Sage 300 versions 2020 and above, since October 2022.

If you don't fill in the SMTP Details, Extender cannot send emails.

Email Field details

Select the Service you want to use to email: 

Basic Authentication SMTP:

smtp.domain.com:587 Enter the details of the SMTP Server you want to email from.

: There is no specific field for the Port in Orchid modules. You can specify a port number after filling in the email server details.  After the email server name, enter “:xx” i.e. colon  xx where xx is the port number required.

Tip: The default port is generally port 587 with TLS.  

Example: smtp.office365.com:587

and : Enter a correct combination of Email user and password

Note: If using multi-factor authentication and App password, enter the App password you create in he Email Password field. Refer to Using Orchid Modules with Office365 App Passwords

: Enter the email address to be used when sending email.

Example: Orchid.Systems.Modules@gmail.com . You can also enter it in the format {name} <{address}> e.g. Orchid Systems <Orchid.Systems.Modules@gmail.com>

Note: Depending on the SMTP server you use, this address may need to match the one you enter in the Username field, or may not work unless you set up an email alias. Consult your SMTP server documentation for details about sending email.

Microsoft Graph:

This service sends email via Microsoft Office 365 where basic authentication is not enabled to use SMTP.

Refer to Office 365 and Microsoft Graph

. Enter the tenant ID (alternatively called the directory ID) from your Microsoft 365 account.

. Enter the client ID (alternatively called the application ID) from your Microsoft 365 account.

. Enter the client secret from your Microsoft 365 account.

Tip: This is actually the secret , not the one called Secret ID. It is the one that you only see once when you first create the client secret.

Tip: The client secret is valid for 2 years maximum. You may need to create a new client secret if emailing with MS Graph suddenly stops working.

. Enter the email address to be used when sending email.


Refer to the examples below for detailed settings with commonly used mail providers, such as Office 365 and Gmail.

Example: SMTP Email Examples

Test Email Configuration

You can use the "Send Test Email..." to check your email settings.  You will be prompted to enter an email address to send the test email to.

Tip: Test sending to an email address in the same domain as your SMTP Server and one outside of your domain.

Tip: CC doesn't work when testing. Even if you configure a CC address in the Email Tab, the test email is only sent to the email address you enter when testing.

Troubleshooting Sending emails

Email Troubleshooting