RMA Release Notes
Important! The documentation refers to the latest product update for the latest version of Sage 300, currently version 2025. Unless otherwise specified, the content applies to all supported versions, currently versions 2025, 2024 and 2023.
What's New in the latest update?
Return Materials Authorization PU13.03 (Jan 2025)
Applies to versions 2025, 2024, 2023 and 2022.
RMA Transactions - fixed an issue where only 127 comments and instructions could be added to RMA documents with more than 100 detail lines. Now all detail lines in an RMA document can have comments and instructions.
New Features and improvements In Prior updates
Return Materials Authorization PU13.02 (Dec 2024)
Applies to versions 2025, 2024, 2023 and 2022.
RMA Transactions - on changing customers in an RMA document the RMA Template code will be updated on the document to whatever is used by the new customer. Previously, this wasn't happening, leaving the RMA doc with the template used by the previous customer when selecting a new customer.

Compatibility release (November 2024). Product Update is compatible with Sage 300 version 2025.

Customer and Item return rate reports updated to cater for databases with Case Sensitive collation method.
For details of the reports, refer to Customer Return Rate Report Printing and Item Return Rate Report Printing.

New Option on RA Options and on RA Templates to disable the warning displayed when creating an OE Credit Note from RMA if manual tax calculation is enabled.

RMA now supports the SuppressPostedMessage function in the RA1001 screen for partners who develop a custom RA screen and don't want to prompt users to print the RA Instruction form.

Compatibility release (October 2023). Product Update is compatible with Sage 300 version 2024.

Compatibility release (October 2022). PU12.00 is compatible with Sage 300 version 2023.

RMA now supports complex passwords. You need the latest update of Sage 300 System Manager to enable complex passwords. Refer to Sage help for details. There is no special configuration in the Orchid module.

RMA now supports Sage 300 multiple contacts when emailing RA Instructions and Authorisations.
Refer to Customer setup: RA and Multiple Contact.

PU0.00 Compatibility Release (October 2021)

PU0.00 RMA 2021 is compatible with Sage 300 v2021 (Order Entry and Purchase Order Modules). September 2020

PU0.00 RMA 2020 is compatible with Sage 300 v2020 (Order Entry and Purchase Order Modules). September 2019

PU0.00 RMA 2019 is compatible with Sage 300 v2019(Order Entry and Purchase Order Modules). September 2018

PU0.00 RMA 2018 is compatible with Sage 300 v2018 (Order Entry and Purchase Order Modules). September 2017

PO Returns are matched to the PO Receipt if the PO Receipt number is filled in on the RMA Detail Line before clicking "Gen. PO Return"
Upgrading from an Earlier Version?

RMA 2017 is compatible with Sage 200 2017 (Order Entry and Purchase Order Modules).

Return Material Authorization 2016 (6.3A) includes the following new features and improvements:
Price only adjustment credit notes are excluded in the “Check quantity already credited” validation
You can now add the same item on the same RMA more than once, with or without the original invoice number
A new tab on the RMA Options showing the installed service pack and product updates released since the installed service pack to allow for easier viewing/checking of the installed vs current product update

Return Material Authorization 2014 (6.2A) includes the following new features and improvements:
• Record “Entered By” on RMA documents
• Ability to define a default template by customer
• Ability to define different optional fields for Item lines and Miscellaneous Charge lines
• Ability to define e-mail messages, and e-mail the RMA Instruction to the customer
• Ability to define e-mail messages, and e-mail the RMA Instruction to the customer

Return Material Authorization 2012 (6.1A) includes the following new features and improvements:
RMA serial quantity allocation validation. Allocated serial quantity validation will not take place when the item on the RMA detail is serialized, and comes from an O/E invoice where no serials have been allocated to the item.
In the above circumstance, RMA will not validate the quantity of serials allocated because the originating O/E invoice detail record did not have allocated serial numbers, even if the item is presently marked as serialized.
RMA Detail Comments and Instructions viewable when detail is flagged Complete. Previously, comments and instructions were not viewable from the RMA detail grid once the RMA transaction detail was flagged as Complete. However, it was possible to view the comments/instructions through the F9 zoom screen. This issue has been fixed. It is now possible to call up the comments/instruction popup form from the RMA detail grid for a detail that has been marked as complete.
RMA Header Customer Claim Number duplicate check. The new template option "Check Customer Claim No." will ignore, warn, or report an error when an RMA document is entered for a customer and the customer claim number is no longer unique to that customer.
RMA Header Restocking Fee Percentage. There is a new field on the Customer tab of the RMA Entry screen: Restocking Fee Percentage. The field is automatically populated with default values from the chosen template if automatic restocking has been enabled on the template. RMA document restocking fee calculation will use the percentage found on the RMA Entry customer tab, not the percentage found on the template. The template value is only used as a default populating value.
RMA Header Comments and O/E Credit Note Header Comments. RMA Header comments will be copied across to an O/E Credit Note header if all of the following conditions apply:
The O/E credit note is matched to an O/E invoice.
The RMA document is using an RMA template.
The template option "Copy RMA Comments to Matched CR Note" is turned on.
When dealing with unmatched O/E Credit Notes, RMA Header comments will be copied across to the Credit Note of all of the following conditions apply:
The O/E credit note is unmatched (not tied to an O/E invoice).
The RMA document is using an RMA template.
The template option "Copy RMA Comments to Unmatched CR Note" is turned on.
RMA Header Optional Field error when selecting an optional field. Fixed an issue with RMA header optional fields that prevented a user from choosing an optional field for the header. This issue was addressed as a hotfix for RMA 6.0A, and is included in the RMA 6.1A release.
Pricelist code validation on completed RMA documents. When an RMA document is flagged "Completed" in the header, RMA Integrity Check will not validate the pricelist code if it is blank. This measure was introduced to handle RMA documents entered in older versions of RMA where blank Pricelist validation was not performed.
Defaulting item cost to Most Recent Cost when assigned costing method cost is zero. When an item's costing method cost (Avg, Std, etc) is zero, RMA will default to the Most Recent Cost for the item, at the selected location.
RMA Detail Quantity Credited Check and legacy records from prior versions of RMA. RMA documents that make use of a template have the option to have their detail lines checked for quantities already credited.
For records upgraded from RMA version 5.3 and prior where required data linking RMA details to O/E invoices was not maintained, a user may be unable to update RMA detail records. To fix this problem the Quantity Credited Check is not performed when inadequate information exists on the RMA detail to be able to link the RMA line to an existing O/E invoice detail.
RMA Document exclusion during Data Integrity Check processing:
During the Data Integrity Check, RMA documents that are marked as Complete will not be tested for errors..
Only RMA documents that are indicated as open (i.e. not marked Complete) will be tested as part of a Data Integrity Check..

This version of Return Material Authorization is compatible with version 6.0 Sage 300 programs, including Inventory Control, Order Entry, and Purchase Orders.

Sage 300 RMA 5.6 offers the following enhancements, which have been introduced since version 5.5A:
Support for integrated serialized inventory and lot tracking features in I/C, O/E, and P/O 5.6
Serial numbers and lot numbers are now managed in Inventory Control, rather than in separate Serialized Inventory and Lot Tracking programs.
We have redesigned the forms that you use to assign serial numbers and lot numbers, and you allocate serial and lot numbers in RMA 5.6 much the way you do in Order Entry, with a few exceptions.
You can allocate only existing serial and lot numbers in RMA. For example, if you specify an invoice number for the return, you can allocate only serial numbers that were assigned on the original invoice. (In Order Entry, you can generate new serial and lot numbers for returns.)
For returned items that use serial numbers or lot numbers that were assigned using the Serial/Lot Reconciliations form in Inventory Control, you must issue a credit note in Order Entry.
We have added new reports of serial and lot number used in RMA documents. The Serial/Lot Number Report form (available in the Analytical Reports folder) lets you print separate reports for lotted items and serialized items.
Enhanced comments options for RMA templates
The RMA Templates setup form includes the following enhancements:
We have renamed the option to copy comments to credit notes Copy RMA Comments To Unmatched Credit Notes.
We have added an option, Overwrite RMA Comments On Matched Credit Notes. This option is available only if you select the option Match Credit Note To Invoice.
Improved validation in RMA Authorizations Setup
The Authorizations form checks the Authorized By User ID against existing RMA Templates. You cannot delete the Authorized By User ID if the user is currently specified in an RMA template.
Several new features in RMA Return Authorization Entry
We have added a new Customer tab that includes key information from the A/R customer record.
You can import RMAs that already have assigned document numbers.
You can insert required optional fields automatically.
Tip: Details of new features and fixes are available in the application for all modules. Go to the Setup >Options > Updates Tab in RMA.