OE/PO Trade Setup
The OE/PO Trade Setup form is used to define the OE to PO and PO to OE customer / vendor mappings and the associated processing options and item mappings between the Source and Target Databases.
Before you start
Sage 300 records required
Identify which customers and vendors give rise to Inter-Entity Trade transactions and create A/R Customers, A/P Vendors in the source and target databases. .
If all transactions for a given customer or vendor follow the rules defined in OE/PO Trade options, you can use Account to Account mapping.
If you have a large number of vendors or customers and you don't want to set up trade partnerships individually, you can use Ship-Via mappings.
If using, you also need to create O/E Ship Via Codes and P/O Ship Via Codes.
I/C Items
If the I/C Items have different Item Numbers in the source and target Sage 300 databases, you need to use the Item Mapping Table In IET Setup, OE/PO Trade Setup to map the items. Refer to Configure Item Mapping details
OE/PO Trade only transfers stock and non-stock I/C Items.
OE Miscellaneous Charge codes are not transferred to P/O documents as P/O doesn't support O/E Miscellaneous Charge codes.
Trade Organisation Setup
There must be a Trade Organisation Setup for each Target Organisation, including valid connection details. Refer to Trade Organisation Setup
If you don't see any A/R Customers or A/P Vendors in the finders, check the Trade Organisation setup.
To create a OE-PO Trade Mapping
For all A/R Customers and A/P Vendors which give rise to Inter-Entity Trade transactions, create OE/PO Trade mappings.
OE-PO Trade Partner Fields and Controls
OE Document to PO Document or PO Document to OE Document
Account-to-Account or Ship-via-to-account
Partner Account
Enter the Vendor/Customer or Ship-Via Code or use the Finder to search for the required record. The Vendor/Customer name or Ship Via description will be displayed.
Choose the Organisation Id.
If the target partner is in the same company, choose the existing Organisation id.
Target Partner Account
Type the Vendor/Customer code or Click the Finder Button to search for the Vendor/Customer. The Vendor/Customer name will be displayed
Partner Account | Target Partner Account | Partner Type | Partner Account Type |
Customer Code | Vendor Code | OE to PO |
Account to Account |
O/E Ship Via | Vendor Code | OE to PO | Ship Via to Account |
Customer Code | P/O Ship Via Code | OE to PO | Account to Ship Via |
Vendor Code | Customer Code | PO to OE | Account to Account |
P/O Ship Via | Customer Code | PO to OE | Ship Via to Account |
Vendor Code | O/E Ship Via | PO to OE | Account to Ship Via |
Processing Options Fields and Controls
The override options apply to the target documents.
Overrides are set specifically per document pair. You need to define the rules for each document pair – if you want to override the OE/PO configured defaulting.
If you fill in Category Override or Location Override on the PO to OE Trade partnership setup, when you enter a Purchase Order, Inter-Entity Trade will use these settings to create the target /OE document. The OE Order that is created will have the configured category on all the item detail rows.
Choose a Category if you want the category to be overwritten on the target OE Transaction.
Note: When creating a target PO Transaction, this setting is ignored as there is no I/C Category on the Purchase Order detail line. This field is disabled in the latest updates.
Choose a Location if you want the location to be overwritten on the target OE Transaction.
If you use Item Mapping, the Location on the item mapping table is used. If it is blank, the Location on the source transaction is pushed to the target transaction. The Location Override on the Processing Options is not used. You need to set the override for each items on the Item Mapping tab.
Choose a Target Price List Code if you want the Price List to be overwritten on the target OE Transaction
Choose Apply Discount % on Document Total if you want the source document Discount % to be copied to the target document Discount %. Note that the discount % is not applied when the transaction line tax is transferred.
Select "Override Target Doc. Unit Price/Cost with Source Document Value" if you want the target document price/cost to be overwritten with the source document cost/price, with the options below.
If you don't select this option, the default price and cost from O/E or P/O for the customer/vendor/item will apply.
O/E Pricing Unit Price or O/E Unit Cost. This only applies when creating P/O Documents from O/E documents.
If you select "Override Target Doc." , by default the O/E Pricing Unit Price will be sent to the P/O Unit Cost.
If you want the PO Document Unit Cost to be the Source O/E Order Unit Cost, choose O/E Unit Cost.
O/E Pricing Unit Price, O/E Unit Cost or both. This applies when creating O/E Documents from P/O Documents.
Note: You can only update the OE Item Unit Cost if the costing method of the item is "User specified" on the Item Account Set in I/C.
if you want the target document price to be overwritten with the source price * price multiplier
Note: can be a fraction or a number greater than one.
If you want to transfer source document Tax Authorities, Tax Classes and Tax Amount to the target document, select this option. If this option is not selected, then the target document is created with the default Tax Authorities, Tax Classes and Tax Amount from the target Company/Customer/Vendor setup.
do not select "Override Target Document Unit Price/Cost from Source Document Unit Cost/Unit Price"
Select "Override Target Document Unit Price/Cost from Source Document Unit Cost/Unit Price
Populate P/O Unit Cost with: Select O/E Pricing Unit Price:
Unit Price/Cost Multiplier: Enter 0.5 to multiply the O/E Price by 0.5 to determine the PO cost
Select "Override Target Document Unit Price/Cost from Source Document Unit Cost/Unit Price
Populate P/O Unit Cost with: Select O/E Unit Cost
Unit Price/Cost Multiplier: Leave blank or type 1 to transfer the O/E Cost to the P/O Unit Cost
Select "Override Target Document Unit Price/Cost from Source Document Unit Cost/Unit Price
Send P/O Unit Cost to: Select O/E Pricing Unit Price:
Unit Price/Cost Multiplier: Enter 0.5 to multiply the O/E Price by 0.5 to determine the SO Price
Select "Override Target Document Unit Price/Cost from Source Document Unit Cost/Unit Price
Send P/O Unit Cost to: Select O/E Cost
Unit Price/Cost Multiplier: Enter 0.5 to multiply the O/E Price by 0.5 to determine the Sales Order Cost
Select "Override Target Document Unit Price/Cost from Source Document Unit Cost/Unit Price
Send P/O Unit Cost to: Select Both
Select if you want the source document PJC fields to be copied to the target document PJC fields.
For details, refer to Inter-Entity Trade and Project and Job Costing (PJC)
On the OE/PO Trade Setup screen, select the "Include Serials/Lots" on the required OE/PO Trade Partner Setup. Once selected, all Serial /Lots from the source OE or PO transaction are copied to the target PO or OE transaction.
For details, refer to Inter-Entity Trade and I/C Serial Numbers and Lot Tracking
Note: If you have serial and/or lot numbers configured on the particular I/C Items in both the source and target companies, you can "turn on" the "Include Serials/Lots" on each and every OE/PO Trade partnership involved in the IY Trade documents.
To enter Item Mapping details
This is only visible if "Use Item Mapping" is selected in the IET Setup /Trade Options/ OE PO Trade Options Tab.
If the option “use item map” is ticked in IY Trade Setup Options, then the completion of the item map is mandatory. If the option “use item map” is not ticked in IY Trade Setup options, then the completion of the item map is not required, as the item code in the source database will be used in the target database.
Refer to O/E - P/O Trade Options
Detailed steps
In the Detail screen, click insert to create a new row
Choose the source Item by typing the Item Code or using the Finder to select the Item. The Item name will be displayed.
Choose the target Item by typing the item code or using the Finder to select the item from the target database. The Item name will be displayed.
Optionally, select the Category Override and Target Location Override.
Category Override [Header]
This is an item category defined in Inventory Control of the Target Company. When an O/E transaction is generated as a result of a P/O transaction (such as a P/O order generating a corresponding O/E order) the default item category is replaced with the category specified here. As categories define affected revenue and cost accounts, this category is only relevant when the Partner Type is “O/E Document to P/O Document”.
This field is not compulsory. If left blank then no category override will take place when I/Y Trade generates O/E documents.
Location Override
This is a location defined in the Inventory Control of the Target Company. When an O/E transaction is generated as a result of a P/O transaction (such as a P/O order generating a corresponding O/E order) the item location used in the source P/O document is not used when the corresponding O/E document is created. Instead, the location entered here is used.
This field is not compulsory. If left blank then no location override will take place when I/Y Trade generates the corresponding document. When an override location is not entered, the location used in the source document will be used as the location in the destination document.
If you use Item Mapping, the Location on the item mapping table is used. If it is blank, the Location on the source transaction is pushed to the target transaction. The Location Override on the Processing Options is not used. You need to set the override for each items on the Item Mapping tab.
Click the Save Button when complete.