Bin Tracking Release Notes
Important! The documentation refers to the latest product update for the latest version of Sage 300, currently version 2025. Unless otherwise specified, the content applies to all supported versions, currently versions 2025, 2024 and 2023.
What's New in the latest update?
Bin Tracking PU13.00 (Dec 2024) -
Applies to versions 2025, 2024, 2023 and 2022.
Bin Transfer reconciliation report (OYBINREC.RPT) updated to use a temp table. Refer to Bin Transfer reconciliation Report - Printing
Product Update is compatible with Sage 300 version 2025. Version 2025 Compatibility release (December 2024).
New Features and improvements In Prior updates

Loading a PO Receipt on to a Bin Transfer is now much faster for large receipts.

Improvements to auto pick for items with both serial and lot numbers.

Compatibility release (October 2023). Product Update is compatible with Sage 300 version 2024.

Compatibility release (October 2022). PU12.00 is compatible with Sage 300 version 2023.

Applies to v2022 PU0.01, v2021 PU0.02, v2020 PU0.08 and v2019 PU0.19
New custom report for I/C Transfer slip with Bin allocation.
O/E Picking slips now include suggested bins for kit components.
For details, refer to Bin Tracking Customized Forms

PU0.00 Compatibility Release (October 2021)

Bin Tracking 2021 is compatible with Sage 300 2021 (September 2020).

Bin Tracking 2020 is compatible with Sage 300 2020 (September 2019).

Bin Tracking 2019 is compatible with Sage 300 2019 (September 2018).

Improvements to Bin Tracking Post Reconciliation process to:
- Only create the I/C Stock Adjustment/Update I/C Worksheet and create associated BT Transfer document if updates to both modules are successful. If errors are encountered to either documents, the documents will be rolled back, and the associated error message recorded on the BT Worksheet.
- Delete the BT Worksheet when both I/C and BT updates are created from Post Reconciliation process

Maximum Quantity field in the Bin Setup screen, Restocking quantity in the Bin Finder screen.

New customized PO Receipt form with Bin Allocation - POOYRCP01.rpt

Bin Tracking 2018 is compatible with Sage 300 2018.

* Bin Transfers - added 'Select All' button to the serial/lot window to pick/put away all rows. You can also press space /
delete on the quantity column on the main screen to pick all rows or set the quantity to 0.
* B/T Options - added "Include non-stock items" option. It defaults to Yes. If set to no then non-stock items are not copied to the Bin Transfer document.

Bin Tracking 2017 is compatible with Sage 300 2017.

A new Periodic Processing option to make empty temporary bins inactive
A new (faster) report showing the bin transfer history – limited to one location only
A new tab on the Bin Tracking Options showing the installed product update and product updates released since the installed product update to allow for easier viewing/checking of the installed vs current product update

In Bin Transfer transaction if the item is serialized, when picking the quantity of the item, there is an option to allow to automatically allocate serial numbers

Previously you could set a bin to allow picking or not. You can now set it to allow picking, allow manual picking only (ie no autopick), give an error if the bin is chosen, or display a warning if the bin is chosen.
Added a "#Lots with non-zero quantity" to Bin Setup and Item and Bin Inquiry screens.

Optional Fields have been included in Bin Tracking 2014. Optional fields can be used at:
Bin level
Bin Transfer Header Level
Bin Transfer Detail Level
Bin Tracking Optional Fields are integrated to OE/IC/PO Optional Fields.

New document types added to the Bin Transfer Document Header to support VM Invoices, VM Credit Notes and VM Cost Only Transactions
Drill down from the Bin Transfer to the associated VM transaction
Drill down from the Pick Status screen to the associated VM Transaction
VM transactions included in the Bin Transfer Reconciliation Report
VM screens added to the BT Options screen\Processing tab for BT configuration

When posting a Bin Tracking Physical Inventory count based on a bin number range (ie the Bin Tracking Physical Inventory worksheet was generated by Bin Tracking, not Inventory Control) you can optionally create the I/C adjustment with
the change in the quantities in the Bin Tracking Physical Inventory Worksheet – relative to the original Bin Tracking Worksheet quantity
the change required to adjust the original I/C Inventory quantity to equal the adjusted Bin Tracking Physical Inventory Worksheet quantity
Added new check box on the finder for Lots in the Item and Bin Inquiry and on the Pick Lots on the Bin Transfer screen. This check box can be selected or de-selected per user, and allows for the suppression or inclusion of Lots with zero quantities.
Added a new report Bin Transfer Reconciliation report to allow users to compare quantities on the Source document (eg OE Shipment, PO Receipt, I/C Adjustment etc.) against the quantities on the associated Bin Transfer document.
Added new selection criteria to the Bin Transfer History report : From and To Status and From and To Source Document. These two new selection criteria will allow users to view only Completed documents, and/or Ready or in Progress documents, and/or all documents. Similarly users will be able to select all Bin Transfers for all source documents, for OE Shipments only, for PO Receipts only, for I/C Adjustments only etc.

Allows support for multiple users to enter stock take information into the Bin Tracking Inventory Worksheet at the same time
Allows support for configuring the Bin Transfer document to be auto-opened the AutoSimply source transactions
Tip: Details of new features and fixes are available in the application for all modules. Go to the Setup >Options > Updates Tab in Bin Tracking.