Run Extender Script in Process Scheduler

Requirement! Process Scheduler Level 1 can be configured to run Extender scripts to automate processes and time-based alerts.

Extender includes three sample scripts to send the following alerts

  1. AR Customer Aging Email Notification
  2. OE Check Order Has Shipped Today
  3. PO Check Order Is Receipted Today

Example scripts

1. AR Customer Aging Email Notification.

Put AR Customer on hold if

a. The AR total outstanding balance is greater than the customer’s credit limit or

b. The aging periods 1..4 have a balance greater than zero

And send an e-mail to a nominated email address to alert them of this on-hold customer

2. OE Check Order has shipped Today.

Send an email to a nominated email address if

a. Any OE Orders expected ship date is equal to the system date and

b. No shipments were posted against this order on the system date

3. PO Check Orders is Receipted Today.

Send an email to a nominated email address if

a. Any PO Orders expected receipt date is equal to the system date and

b. No receipts were posted against this purchase order on the system date

See Also

To setup Extender scripts in Process Scheduler, refer to Steps for Setting Up Process Scheduler

To write scripts designed to be run in Process Scheduler, Extender and Process Scheduler