Troubleshooting Inter-Entity Trade Errors: OE/PO

This article focuses on error types specific to Inter-Entity Trade OE/PO

Common Audit Log errors

These errors appear in the IET Audit Log once the source transaction has been posted. To view the log:

  • Go to Inter-Entity Transactions \ IET Inquiries
  • Open OE/PO Trade Audit Inquiry
  • Filter using Ctrl-F on any column. (E.g. Transaction Status = Error)
  • You can filter Date/Time Created or Amended columns to check for recent errors.

Error Message

Reason / Resolution

Period X in fiscal year YYYY is locked for Sub-ledger or General Ledger in Common Services Fiscal Calendar

Open the Fiscal Period, then re-process

Fiscal Year YYYY does not exist

Open the Fiscal Year, then re-process

Customer/Vendor 9991 does not exist

Create the Customer/Vendor, then re-process

Customer/Vendor 9991 is inactive

Make the Customer/Vendor active in target database, then re-process

OE Order Detail create failed. Invalid Item. Check item ABC exists in database XXX

  • Map items in OE/PO Trade Setup, or;
  • Create Item (or make Item active) in the target database
  • Re-process

Unable to locate and modify matching detail record in trade document. This PO is complete

  • This is generally when a transaction has been processed manually.
  • This error can’t be corrected, but...
  • Check the OE/PO Trade Options and Trade Partnerships to stop this happening for future transactions.

Unable to find originating P/O Document

E.g. Trying to create a matched credit note in OE, but the matched Invoice didn’t create a matched PO in target.

OE Shipment Header create failed. Order ORD0000xxx is on hold

  • Take order off-hold and re-process, or;
  • Map On-Hold field in Trade Options – OE/PO Trade Integration.

Shipment has already been completed and invoiced

  • In O/E Options, set ‘Default Create Invoice Option’ to No (if you want IE Trade to create the OE Invoice from a PO Invoice).
  • Do not create invoice manually!

Internal Error. Serial quantity does not match transaction quantity for item A1-900/B

  • Check that ‘Include Serial/Lots’ is checked in OE/PO Trade Setup for this Customer/Vendor partnership.
  • Note: Do not change the Serial Numbers when creating invoice, as this will result in errors.

Vendor/Customer/Category/Location does not exist, or inactive

Check OE/PO Trade partner setup, and make Customer/ Vendor/ Category/ Location active in target company (or create them), then re-process.

Period X in fiscal year YYYY is locked for Sub-ledger or General Ledger in Common Services Fiscal Calendar

Open the Fiscal Period, then re-process

Fiscal Year YYYY does not exist

Open the Fiscal Year, then re-process

Invoice Contemptible to change read-only field "Quantity Received"...

Check security rights in Admin Services for users who need to create PO Invoices.  Edit Invoiced Quantity and Edit Invoiced Cost must be selected.

Errors Found during generation. Document will be cleared Try entering the transaction manually in OE or PO to see what is causing the OE or PO error.  For example, this error occurs if creating an OE Shipment from a PO Receipt and the BOM Number on the line doesn't exist in the target company. 

After resolving the cause of the error, you should re-process the error transactions:

Re-Processing Error Transactions using Periodic Processing

  • Open Inter-Entity Transactions \ IET Periodic Processing
  • Open OE/PO Periodic Processing
  • Check the ‘Perform O/E-P/O Trade Periodic Processing’ checkbox
  • Check 'Documents in Error Status' and/or 'Documents in Pending Status'
  • Select the documents you wish to reprocess (or select All)
  • Click ‘Process’

Inter-Entity will attempt to re-process. You can then return to the Audit Log to check that the status has changed for the problem entries.