Dangerous Goods: using Item Optional Fields

When to use

If the shipment contains Dangerous Goods, you can select the option "Contains Dangerous Goods" when creating a Shipment Review. Freight Smartlink then sends a single field for Dangerous Goods. ( True/False).

For details on this feature, refer to F/S Transactions>Shipment Review

There is a requirement to include more information on the types of dangerous goods in the shipment.

How to Setup

You need to add the following 5 optional fields in Sage 300 > Common Services and add them to I/C Items, O/E Order Details, O/E Shipment Details and O/E Invoice Details.

DGCODE--> unnumber (e.g. 1111)

DGTECHNME-> techname (e.g. AEROSOLS)

DGCLASS -> class (e.g. 1)

DGSUBCLASS -> subclass (e.g. 2.1)

DGERG -> erg (e.g. 2Y)

Note: You cannot change the Optional Field name.


When Exporting the Shipment Review,

Freight SmartLink includes the Dangerous Goods Tags in the <freightlinedetails> Tag when exporting the Shipment Review for SmartFreight.

If the Optional Fields value is not set, the export will continue, but will not include the Dangerous Goods Tags.

The Item quantity total is calculated by the optional fields and the Order Unit of Measure.








SmartFreight example: freightlinedetails Tag

<commonname>SPRAY PAINT</commonname>      