EFT Setup- Receipt/Refund Selection Codes - Field List

Use this screen to configure Receipt Selection Codes to create A/R Receipt or Refund batches based on the criteria configured for each Receipt Selection code.

The values entered in the EFT Setup > Receipt Selection Codes are used as Default Values when using the Create Receipt Batch function.

See Also Create Receipt/Refund Batch for details on how to use.

Select tab

If you are using EFT Processing to process A/R Receipt or Refund Batches, use this tab to specify details about the receipt batches to be created by EFT Processing.

Criteria tab

Use this Tab to select the Documents to include in the Receipt Batches.

The values setup on the specified receipt selection code appear as the default in the Create Receipt Batch form, but you can change the values before creating the batch.

You can:

  • Choose the method for selecting documents  

  • Select all documents meeting the criteria  

  • Set ranges of account sets, terms code, billing cycle, interest profile, payment code and customer price list, etc.

Documents Tab

Use this tab to configure the document types to include in the calculation of the receipt amount, and applied to the receipt created (AR Credit Notes, Prepayments, Unapplied Cash / Receipts, Debit Notes)

Exclusions Tab

Use this tab to list the customer(s) which are to be excluded from the document selection process and/or the Customer(s) and Document(s) combinations to be excluded from the document selection process.

Note: If you enter a National Account Customer Number, then all child accounts are also excluded.
Note: When you create the AR Batch, excluded customers and documents are included in the Receipt Batch Audit Log. Refer to EFT Receipt Batch Audit Log


Related topics

Create Receipt Batch