Refresh Cube with Command Line

You can run Info-Explorer from the command line, by passing the cube name, and if required Passwords and Parameters to refresh the cube.

Tip: If using Sage 300, you can use Process Scheduler Level 1 to refresh and email the cubes to selected users. Refer to Process Scheduler Help for details: 
Process Scheduler help - Refresh Info-Explorer Cube

There are two main options to run the program, with the UI or without: 

  • Refresh the cube without opening a UI. This is useful to refresh the cube overnight unattended. Users can then open the cube with the latest data without having to refresh manually.

  • Refresh and leave the cube open for analysis. This makes the parameters hidden, so you are not prompted and don't have to click OK. If you have parameters for the cube, you have an option to refresh, close and re-open the cube with the correct parameters.

Command line syntax

Run the CMD program and navigate to where Info-Explorer is installed.

The program to run is InfoExplorer.exe

Enter the full path and cube file name, surrounded by double quotes ("") to cater for spaces in file path and file names.


/REFRESH - Refreshes the cube

/CLOSE - Closes Info-Explorer after refreshing

/NOUI - Does not show any UI for parameters or passwords or the refreshed cube for analysis


Parameters are passed by specifying the parameter name, equals sign and then the parameter value.


  • Info-Explorer is installed in the Default folder c:\Program Files\Orchid Systems\Info-Explorer

  • Cubes are in a folder called c:\Orchid\InfoExplorerCubes

  • To refresh the ARCustomerCube.cubx file, without opening the Info-Explorer application, use the following command line

  • This assumes the ARCustomerCube file doesn't have any parameters or the parameters are hidden and the default values will be used when refreshing

Refresh and Do not open Info-Explorer UI

In the example below, use /REFRESH /CLOSE /NOUI

Refresh cube at command line - no UI
>c:\Program Files\Orchid Systems\Info-Explorer>infoexplorer.exe /REFRESH /NOUI /CLOSE 

Refresh and open Info-Explorer UI

In the example below, use /REFRESH -

The cube will be refreshed and Info-Explorer application opened.

Refresh cube and open UI at command line
>c:\Program Files\Orchid Systems\Info-Explorer>infoexplorer.exe /REFRESH  

Set parameters to the cube

If the cube has 2 parameters called CUSTOMER and STARTDATE, you can set the parameters in the command line, using the parameter name.

Refresh cube with parameters
>c:\Program Files\Orchid Systems\Info-Explorer>infoexplorer.exe 