Inter-Entity Transactions Tutorials
The tutorials use the Orchid Sample data that can be downloaded from the Orchid website. ORCLTD includes Entity 1 and Entity 5 in a single Sage 300 database.
The sample data also includes 3 separate databases for 3 additional entities using Inter-Entity Multi-database. Entity 2 is ORCIN2, Entity 3 is ORCIN3, and Entity 4 is ORCIN4
The tutorials below support the Inter-Entity Transactions and Trade training video that are available on the Orchid website: Orchid Training Videos
See Also: Cash Management Tutorials.
Inter-Entity Transactions - Automate Loan Account Entries
Works within one and/or across multipleSage 300 companies
Works on all General Ledger transactions, regardless of their origin
Balance transactions at the G/L Segment level
G/L Entity Substitution
Option to use G/L Entity Substitution (G/L Trigger) to indicate entities based on optional fields.
Auto-create AP and AR Reallocations
Automatically trigger additional transactions in Accounts Receivable (A/R) or Accounts Payable (A/P) to automate complex inter-entity transactions.
Cash Management
Allocate payments or receipts for invoices in one company, using a bank account in another company
Transfer invoices from one company to another for consolidated processing
Process bank transfers between companies
Consolidated AR & AP Aged Trial Balance