Inter-Entity Audit Log status

The following status are used in Inter-Entity and Inter-Entity Trade

- used by IET AP/AR Trade and OE/PO Trade. - recorded into the audit logs but not processed yet by

- used by IET AP/AR Trade - used to identify documents with invalid, unmapped accounts, or documents that fail other validation performed by IET (not Sage 300) prior to the creation of their trade documents.

- used by IET AP/AR Trade and OE/PO Trade. - used to identify a source document that wasn't able to have its trade document equivalent processed by IET. - used to identify when an update to a source document results in an error when updating the associated trade document.

- used by IET AP/AR Trade and OE/PO Trade. - denotes the: (a) successful creation of a trade document. (b) successful update of a trade document.

- no longer used = originally used by IET OE/PO Trade - used to identify documents in process when O/E auto-ship and auto-invoice was in use. - no longer used after the trade process for auto-shipped and auto-invoiced documents was changed.


Tip: When using Inter-Entity Transactions and Trade Periodic Processing, you shouldn't select "EXPORTED" Transactions as this may result in duplication of the transactions.