Importing EFT Details

Use the Import and Export commands on the File menu in the EFT Setup form to import and export EFT Banks, Customers , Vendors and Employees.

This feature is available for exporting and importing data to and from non-Sage 300 systems.

For information on importing and exporting Sage 300 details, see the chapter on importing and exporting data in the System Manager User Guide.

The video below includes tips for importing Vendor, Customer and Employee bank details into EFT Processing.

Exporting EFT data

Use this command to transfer (export) data from EFT Processing to non-Sage 300 programs.

To export data, follow these general steps

  • Open the appropriate EFT Setup form for the type of data you want to export.

Example: To export EFT Vendors, open the EFT Vendors Setup form.
  • Choose the Export command from the File menu.

  • In the form that appears, select the range of records you want to export, and the type of information.

  • Specify the file name and file type for the exported records.

Importing EFT Documents

Use this command to import EFT documents from an external system into EFT Processing.

Create the file you want to import.

  • Choose the Import command from the File menu.

  • Specify the file name and file type in the form that appears next.

  • If you previously created a template for importing, choose the Load Template button.

  • Choose the fields that you are importing.

Tip: You can save your choices as a template for the next time you import records.

Minimum Import Field Requirements

It is not essential to import data into all the fields in the EFT record.

Tip: For information on the file formats and file layouts that Sage 300 accepts, you can create an import file template by exporting a few records of the type you want to import.


When importing EFT Vendors, EFT Customers, EFT Employees and EFT Banks, you should not import the Encrypted Bank Branch and Account number and Credit Card Number fields (fields containing an "X"). These fields should only be set using the associated views, and set to the calculated encrypted value. - EFT Import functionality prevents such fields to be imported. Fields starting with X (binary XBSBNO and XACCNO) shouldn't be in the import file.

It is recommended to remove credit card details fields when importing bank accounts: , these fields must be removed from the import file ‘CCNUMBER’, ‘CCECP’, ‘CCNAME’ and ‘XCCNUMBER’.

When importing EFT Employees, you can only insert new records. You cannot update existing employees as the records include header and details information.