Field Names in EFT File Formats
The list below is not exhaustive, but includes only the most commonly used fields.

BankID |
The Bank Code from the Bank Setup screen. |
BankName |
The Bank Name from the Bank Setup screen. |
bsbno |
The BSB number from the Bank Setup screen. |
BankAccno |
The Account Number from the Bank Setup screen. |
BankAccname |
The Account Name from the Bank Setup screen. |
BankExtra1 to BankExtra10 |
An extra field which can be turned on for banks. Turn on by putting "BankExtra1=abc" in the formats.ini file |
Description |
File description |
Reference |
Reference option selected on EFT Bank |

Firstcheque |
Payment cheque number |
EntryDate |
The entry date |
Amount |
The amount (eg $100.52 is 100.52) |
AmountInCents |
The amount in cents (eg $100.52 is 10052) |

DestId |
Vendor or Customer ID field from the EFT Customers or EFT Vendor screen |
DestShortName |
The A/P Vendor short name (APVEN.SHORTNAME) or A/R Customer short name (ARCUS.TEXTSNAM) |
DestBankName |
The bank name field from the EFT Customers or EFT Vendor screen |
DestBSB |
The BSB field from the EFT Customers or EFT Vendor screen |
DestAccount |
The account number field from the EFT Customers or EFT Vendor screen |
DestAccountName |
The account name field from the EFT Customers or EFT Vendor screen |
DestReference |
The reference field from the EFT Customers or EFT Vendor screen |
DestExtra1..50 |
Extra field on EFT Customers or EFT Vendors Setup screen. Extra field can be turn on in formats.ini by puting : VendorExtra1="abc" or CustomerExtra1="abc". “abc” is the field name to be displayed in the EFT Customer or EFT Vendor setup screen. From version 56, it can be up to 50 customised extra fields. |
DestName |
The A/R Customer Name or A/P Vendor Name |
DestAddress1..4 |
The A/R Customer Address lines 1 to 4 or A/P Vendor Address lines 1 to 4 |
DestCity |
The A/R Customer City or A/P Vendor City |
DestState |
The A/R Customer State or A/P Vendor State |
DestPostcode |
The A/R Customer Postcode or A/P Vendor Postcode |
DestCountry |
The A/R Customer Country or A/P Vendor Country |
DestPhone |
The A/R Customer Phone or A/P Vendor Phone |
DestFax |
The A/R Customer Fax or A/P Vendor Fax |
DestEmail |
The A/R Customer E-mail or A/P Vendor E-mail |
DestContact |
The A/R Customer Contact Name or A/P Vendor Contact Name |
DestContactPhone |
The A/R Customer Contact Phone or A/P Vendor Contact Phone |
DestContactFax |
The A/R Customer Contact Fax or A/P Vendor Contact Fax |
DestContactEmail |
The A/R Customer E-Mail or A/P Vendor Contact E-mail |

InvoiceDate |
Applied Document Date |
InvoiceNumber |
Applied Document Number |
InvoiceDescription |
Applied Document Description |
InvoiceGrossAmount |
Applied Document Gross Amount (prior Discount) |
InvoiceDiscountAmount |
Applied Document Discount Amount |
InvoiceNetAmount |
Applied Document Net Amount (after discount / payable amount) |
FirstInvoiceNumber |
TThe first applied document number |

Today |
The run date |
TransactionTotalInCents |
The total amount in cents (eg $100.52 is 10052) |
TransactionTotal |
The total amount (eg $100.52 is 100.52) |
NumberOfEntries |
Number of detail lines so far. This is counted from 1. |
RecordCount |
Number of lines so far. This is counted from 1. |
LF |
A line feed character |
A carriage return / line feed |
Blank |
A blank field. Useful for when there are large runs of spaces or 0. Set the pad length field to the size of the run. |
FieldIDModifier |
Alphabet from A to Z. To indicate a particular batch has been run for Create EFT file process for the number of time. The first run will have ‘A’ as indicator, subsequent run ‘B’, ‘C’ and so on. |
The actual generated EFT File name |