Info-Explorer Release Notes
Info-Explorer supports all versions of Sage 300 and ODBC databases.
Info-Explorer update (July 2024)
Fixes an issue with Drill-through to Sage 300 screens.
Note: You need to download the latest update from the Info-Explorer website. Due to the changes in the security settings on our website, the auto-update feature doesn't work with older Info-Explorer updates.
Info-Explorer update (May 2023)
Info-Explorer is now a 64-bit application. This increases the maximum size possible for a cube.
Default installation path is in the Program Files folder and not Program Files (x86) folder as previously.
Online help now accessible from the application.
Sundry branding updates.
Download sample files and Activation Code requests menus refer to website
Drill-through to Sage 300 screens now support Complex Passwords in Security options.
Info-Explorer 2018 released (December 2017)
Proportional spreading faster (October 2019).

Included ability to create Worksets for budget, forecast and what-if scenario analysis
Multiple spreading methods to enter or derive budget, forecast and what-if scenario data
Enable security around Workset creation and ERP updating
Enable write back into backend ERP for GL Budget, IC Projected Sales and IM Infoset updating
Show fact labels as blue vs dimension labels as grey for easier identification
Split the ribbon into 5 tabs : Home, Display, Dashboard, Chart and Workset to group functionality more logically
Ability to Sum / average / count a matrix of data
Ability to define scale factors per fact (as opposed to the entire view)
Enable additional “right hand mouse button” short cuts appropriate to the area when clicked
Replaced menus and toolbars with a ribbon.
You can now reorder items (cubes, views, charts and dashboards) in the tree by selecting, holding down the mouse button and dragging to the new required position.
Added an option to disable automatic refresh when dragging dimensions from/to title position, row position and column position. When disabled a new option to “calculate” will be displayed in the View ribbon, and data is only recalculated when “calculate” is clicked
Styles are now applied based on unscaled values. Previously they were based on scaled values so if you had a style for > 100 and changed the scale to 1x100, then 1 (being 100 scaled) would not have had the style applied to it.
The sort order was not being re-applied when you reloaded/refreshed a cube.
If you are displaying multiple cubes, the last date/time the cube was refreshed was not shown. Now the date/time the “active” cube was last refreshed is shown.
Requires .NET 4.5 (or above) and Windows 7 (or above).