Using EFT Processing with AP

EFT Processing is integrated with Sage Intacct standard AP processing routines.

  1. You create, approve and post AP Payments, as per the process and approval configured in your Sage Intacct implementation. You can also include posted AP Advances in an EFT File. You create, generate and post the AP Advances using standard Sage Intacct functionality.

  2. In EFT Processing, use the EFT  AP Payment Requests screen to select  AP Payments and Advances to be included in an EFT File.

  3. Generate the file on the EFT  AP Payment Requests screen.

  4. Use EFT File List to view the file and download it on your machine. You can filter by file type to select Payment only for  AP Payments .

  5. You can then import the file into the banking software / application.

  6. When the bank confirms the upload is successful, confirm the file to finalize the Payment process.

  7. If required, Hold the file if any transactions are rejected, update the data and refresh the file.

  8. You can use the standard Sage Intacct process to email remittance advices if required.


You can create EFT Files for any posted AP Payment (status = Complete), regardless of the payment method. For example, you can use a Check Payment method and create a Positive Pay EFT File for more secure check processing.

Refer to Complete AP Payments using standard Sage Intacct processes

For more details, view the topics below: 

Requirement! To generate and download an EFT File for AP Vendor Payments, you need a Licence for Orchid EFT for AP.