View AP payments in EFT File
The EFT AP Payment Request screen includes AP Payments and Advances that have been entered, approved and completed through the standard Sage Intacct processes, for vendors where the File type is set on the Orchid EFT Tab.
You can use this screen to select payments to be included in an EFT File or to view the payments already included in a file.
View Payments included in an EFT File
Select Included in an EFT File in the field on the screen to view and search for payments included in an EFT File.
This shows the payment details, including the File ID where the payment is included.
To view file details, select the File Id and search for it in the EFT Files. Refer to EFT File List
Drill on the vendor to open the AP Vendor screen
Drill on the Payment Amount to view the Payment details
Copy the EFT File ID and paste it in the EFT File list screen to view details of the EFT File
If you have already included a payment in an EFT File and have confirmed the file, you need to delete the file or reverse and reprocess the payment to include the payment again in another file.
If the file is not confirmed, you can Hold the file, update the details and Refresh the file.