Row Types
Within each section, there are 5 types of rows:
File Header is row at the beginning of export file. |
Batch Header is row for the export file at the beginning of a batch, repeated per batch number. |
Detail is row in the export file for eachpayment/receipt/refund being made. |
Batch footer is row in the export file at the end of a batch, repeated per batch number. |
File Footer is row at the end of export file. |
The row types are not case sensitive. DETAIL or Detail or detail is interpreted in the same way.
Each row type is optional.
Some banks have the same format for AR and AP, some banks have different formats.
Name="Canadian CPA"
Header="A[RecordCount:%09D][SourceReference:%10C][BatchNumber:%04D]0[BatchDateJulian][SourceBankName:%-5C] [Blank:%-1409C][CR][LF]"
DetailAP = "C[RecordCount:%09D][SourceReference:%-10C][BatchNumber:%04D]460[AmountInCents:%010D]0[EntryDateJulian][DestBSB:%-9D][DestAccount:%-12C]0000000000000000000000000[SourceAccountName:%-15C][DestAccountName:%-30C][SourceAccountName:%-30C][SourceReference:%-10C][DestId:%-19C]000000000 [Reference:%-15C][Blank:%-22C][Blank:%-2C][Blank:%-11C][CRLF]"
DetailAR = "D[RecordCount:%09D][SourceReference:%-10C][BatchNumber:%04D]460[AmountInCents:%010D]0[EntryDateJulian][DestBSB:%-9D][DestAccount:%-12C]0000000000000000000000000[SourceAccountName:%-15C][DestAccountName:%-30C][SourceAccountName:%-30C][SourceReference:%-10C][DestId:%-19C]000000000 [Reference:%-15C][Blank:%-22C][Blank:%-2C][Blank:%-11C][CRLF]"
Footer = "Z[RecordCount:%09D][SourceReference:%-10c][BatchNumber:%04D]0000000000000000000000[TransactionTotalInCents:%014D][NumberOfEntries:%08D][Blank:%-01396C][CRLF]"
Row type by transaction type
Each row type can have an optional AR /AP /RF at the end of the row type for a specific format definition for that transaction type. A row type on its own implies a shared format for all transaction types.
EFT first checks for xxAP or xxAR. If it doesn't find it, it uses xx.
(eg HEADERAP or HEADERAR, HEADER) So CAN_CPA has a shared header and footer, but a different DETAIL for AR and AP.
Row Sequence
Each row type also can have multiple lines with a number at the end to indicate the sequence.
For example: Header1, Header2 or DetailAR1, DetailAR2, DetailAR3.
Additional Row Types
There are additional row types that can be used for the bank format and work in conjunction with the DETAIL row type to show associated records applied to the original payment entry. To display it in the DETAIL regardless of the row types below, use
APINVOICE works for any type (Payment or Receipt).
If the format requires a different definition for
Row for applied AP Documents (Invoice/ CreditNote/ DebitNote/ Prepayment) in payment entry, repeated for each document. |
Row of detail of AP Miscellaneous Payment. Only applies to Sage 300 |
Row for applied AR Document in |
Row for applied AR Document in refund entry, repeated for each document. Only applies to Sage 300. |
Note: References to Refund or RF is included in some format definition. However, it is not applicable to Sage Intacct.
Name="Australia Orchid Sample Bank"
BSBNumber="Bank Swift Code"
AccountNumber="Bank Account Number"
AccountName="Account Name"
BankAPPaymentReference="Payment Reference"
BankARPaymentReference="Receipt Reference "
CustomerPaymentReference="Customer Receipt Reference "
VendorPaymentReference="Vendor Payment Reference"
DetailAP1="P,ACH,[BatchNumber:%08D][EntryNumber:%08D],[BankAccountNumber:%-34C],[EntryDate:DD/MM/YYYY], [DestRemitName:%-35C],[DestBSB:%-11C],[DestAccountNumber:%-34C],[Amount:%15D][CRLF]"